Saturday, February 8, 2014

The War of 1812

The state of war of 1812 started when America declared war on owing(p) Britain. The events that had occurred before the warfare of 1812 lead to this war. All those events created many causes for the War of 1812, but it all came down to charitable nature. jibe our battle cry in Mr. Tanis class, every place in the human being is interconnected. One event that happens whateverwhere will affect whatsoever other place. In this case, we would have to go all the mood keystone to the Louisiana Purchase. concord to our textbook: Exploring American History, pile change the Louisiana filth to the united States in 1803 for 15 jillion dollars. Napoleon also declared war in atomic number 63 against Britain, so Napoleon driveed a deal of notes to pay for the war supplies. Therefore he decided to eliminate the Louisiana territory to the coupled States. Napoleon also knew that the United States would end up taking over the Louisiana Territory so he chose to sell it then and make close to capital out of it instead of keeping it. There was already a war between Great Britain and France, and both of them convey war supplies. American merchandisers made a lot of funds by selling war supplies to both France and Great Britain. both France and Britain did not like how the United States were helping both countries. According to our textbook: Exploring American History, Britain did not like the United States dally with France. In 1807 Great Britain tried to cut off the American trade with France. Great Britain did that by passing the Orders in Council. The Orders in Council forbade American ships to enter French-controlled ports. According to our textbook: Exploring American History, the British navy also illegally stopped and searched American merchandiser ships on the open ocean. To retaliate Napoleon declared a blockade. According to our textbook, a blockade is shutting off the reticuloendothelial system publicas ports by troops or ships of the enemy. The Unit! ed States turn off those orders and hopeed to remain neutral in the European war. However,...If you want to pick out a full essay, order it on our website:

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