Monday, September 30, 2019

Margins: Meaning of Life and Frazier Essay

In Ian Frazier’s essay, â€Å"In Praise of Margins†, the author talks about his childhood life and how he had â€Å"margins† where he and his friends would do things and nothing would matter because they wouldn’t care. â€Å"Marginal† thought is valuable because it allows adults to use their imagination. His purpose is to try new activities without shame; it’s the spur of the moment that defines margin. I think his view about marginal activity is comprehensive and relatable. When we think of margins, we think of the extra space on the edge of the paper that we can’t write out of. But marginal has another meaning to it which has to do with the economic world and how we function with margins in our life such as personal experiences. Marginal space is key to the coming of age process in each person’s life whether we share the same activities or not. Although it’s not easy to pin point it out but marginal spaces are needed to escape from everyone’s present problem in everyday life. I agree and believe with Frazier when he is talking about the meaning of marginal because it is true that margins sometimes do not come out the way you want it to be, nothing or nobody is perfect and there are always something ruining the perfect moment that we all have or want. Marginal act take such a high valued meaning according to Frazier because the places and activities that he discovered through his childhood is something that has been lost in the past and also in many societies, especially the economic society. According to Frazier, he added, â€Å"†¦the margin is where you can try out ideas that you might be afraid to admit to with people looking on. † (7) This is an important concept to anyone’s life. One person’s marginal space can different from another person’s as long as it is an activity in which the person escapes from reality. In an economic society, time is considered money and Frazier’s activity of sitting on a tree for hours is more on the lines of suicidal, in economic society’s terms. Frazier agreed that he felt useless at the time of just sitting but as he grew older, the useless time of gazing off turned into something sacred towards him. The sitting in the tree gave him memories and something to reflect back on. It came upon me when I took my nephews out to the ice rink at the Christmas in the Park; I realized if I never done this I would have missed out on what defined me as of today. Though it’s all fun and games I know that it’s one of the activities you can do once in a while that can take you away from your stress and busy day life-style. Reflection cannot happen when there is nothing to look back on. There are always memories that others have whether it be good or bad. It might be their first time driving or their first time swimming. Any memory is something someone can reflect back onto to see who they are and to see how they got to the place they are now. The economic society always keeps moving on and thinks about the future, while human beings need time to focus and reminisce from where they came from. If someone keeps running straight with their heads down, they might get far but eventually, they will get lost. In order to stay on track and know where you’re heading, at times the person needs to look back to see where they started from. Know where you are is the most important thing to knowing who you are and Frazier realized the great importance of that. Frazier’s useless â€Å"marginal† activity such as just plainly sitting brought out the importance of just doing things not to gain a profit but to gain something to reflect on. When Frazier was younger, he had his own marginal place and would always go out to â€Å"the woods†; it was his â€Å"part-time address, destination, purpose, and excuse† (1). While Frazier ran around bumping into bushes and branches, slipping and sliding through thick brown dirt; I was ice skating at the ice arena, hop-scotching, and playing house. Throughout my childhood, I dedicated numerous hours in the freezing cold ice arena at the local mall, hop-scotched afterschool with my neighbors, and played house on the weekends with my cousins. These activities may sound typical as a child but it had a significant meaning towards me. It was my purpose to grow upon these marginal experiences. In the end, all that matters is being able to free your mind from something that you free yourself from caring about what others think. And I believe that I accomplish my marginal activity as a child, through every fall and bruises that I received while ice skating, I couldn’t care less about what others had to say about me because I knew that every time I got up it’ll only make me a better skater in the end. Although changes occurred and I grew out of the marginal acts, agreeing with Frazier’s realization, â€Å"†¦and suddenly there was nothing up there for us. † (4) The excitement of skating on the slipping cold ice with no shame of failing can only be done as a marginal act, because I can no longer look at the rink the same way I did when I was younger. Nor can I play hop-scotch the way I did, hopping from one box to another is like going from one class to another today. Instead of playing house with my cousins, we became college students looking for a stable job that can support our education. I agree with Frazier that the â€Å"remember whens† really does faltered and â€Å"playing† time doesn’t have to end here. Although margins can be done differently and looked at differently, marginal is necessary for a person of all ages to let loose in order to overcome the pressure and stresses of everyday life. Frazier’s marginal activities consisted of breaking ice, climbing trees, and picking fruits. My marginal activities consisted of ice skating, hop-scotching, and playing house. Marginal activities may vary from being active in a sport, traveling, singing or perhaps even enjoying a movie night on the couch; by the end of the day marginal activities is necessary in order to free yourself from the strains of everyday life.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Poetry and Writers Different Ways

‘Casehistory: Alison (head injury)’ Learning Objectives: – AO1: Respond to texts critically and imaginatively, select and evaluate textual detail to illustrate and support interpretations. – AO2: Explain how language, structure and form contribute to writers’ presentation of ideas, themes and settings. ( Pre-reading activity Here is a riddle for you†¦ Who do you think would be ‘†¦my husband’s wife’? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ What about ‘†¦my mother’s only daughter’? _____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ The title of the poem is ‘Casehistory: Alison (head injury)’. What do you think this poem is going to be about? ( Make a note of your ideas. ___________________________________________________________ ___ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Why might you talk about yourself in the third person? What is the effect? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ( Take 2 minutes to discuss the effect with your partner.Swap and develop your ideas. Feed back your ideas to the rest of the class. First impressions ( Read the poem. ______________________ ________________________ _________ _________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ ________________________ _____________________ What do you think has happened to Alison? The opening line above has a play-like feel.Imagine how this scene might look on stage. ( In the box below, sketch out the scene you imagine. In the notes box below, summarise your ‘vision’ of the action. How might you describe the attitude of the speaker of the poem? ( Choose the word or phrase that gives you this impression and write it in the box below. The first one has been done for you. Alison seems†¦ Wistful ____________ ____________ What does the younger Alison have that the Alison of the present does not? ( Fill in the table below. Alison of the past |Alison of the present | | | | |‘Autocratic knee / Like a Degas dancer’s’ |Knees that now ‘lug’ her ‘up stairs / Hardly’ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Let’s take a closer look ( Answer the following questions by providing quotes and analysis. Think PEA – point, example, analysis. 1. The poem is arranged in even, regular three line stanzas. What is the effect on the reader? _____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Where does this regular pattern come to an END, and what is the effect of this? ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 3. There are two lines in the poem that begin with a single word followed by a full stop. What are they, and what is the effect on the reader? _____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Poetry detective Spot the following linguistic and structural devices at work in the poem. What is their PURPOSE and EFFECT? |techniques |examples and analysis of their effect | |Parenthesis |‘(She looks at her photograph)’ – | |( ) | | |Ambiguity | |(the puzzle / riddle o f the first stanza)| | |Mid-line full stops | | |Repetition | | |Powerful adjectives | | |Enjambment | | |Use of the third person | | Get creative – AO2: Explain how language, structure and form contribute to writers’ presentation of ideas, themes and settings. ( Using ‘Casehistory: Alison (head injury)’ as a guide, you are going to write a poem of your own, using pictures of historical figures as inspiration. You are going to bring the long-dead subject of the painting to life in the form of a dramatic monologue! ( Take an online stroll through the 30 ‘must-see’ paintings hanging in The National Gallery: www. nationalgallery. org. uk/paintings/explore-the-paintings/30-highlight-paintings/ ( Which character did you choose? _____________________________ Writer’s toolbox ( With your choice of speaker in mind, tick the techniques you think would be useful in creating an accurate voice for your poem. Think about the intended effect of your selected techniques. If necessary, you can add additional techniques at the bottom. Poetic techniques: |Use: | | | | |Intended effect: | |Rhyme | | | |Non-standard English | | | |Mid-line full stops | | | |Enjambment | | | |Assonance | | | |Repetition | | | |Alliteration | | | |Metaphors | | | |Similes | | | |Onomatopoeia | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Get writing! _________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ _________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ __________________________ ____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ | |My Itchy Toes Smell Loads | | |( Complete the table below with what you consider to be the most important quotes and poetic devices | | |within each category. | | | |meaning | | | | | | | | |imagery | | | | | | | | |tone | | | | | |Structure and Form | | | | | | | | |language | | Comparing poems – AO3: Make comparisons and explain links between texts, evaluating writers’ different ways of expressing meaning and achieving effects Use the Venn diagram to find the differences and similarities between the two poems. Sample exam question and ‘Medusa’. Comparing poems – AO3: Make comparisons and explain links between texts, evaluating writers’ different ways of expressing meaning and achieving effects ( Use the Venn diagram to find the differences and similarities between the two poems. Sample exam question Planning an essay ( Using MITSL as a guide, create an essay plan or spider diagram for your essay question. You must include 3 – 5 points of comparison. Number each point in the order you would write about them in your exam. When you write your essay, remember to analyse structural and poetic devices for their effect and meaning. Don’t just list. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | |Casehistory: Alison (head injury) | | | | | |(She looks at her photograph) | | | | | |I would like to have known | | |My husband’s wife, my mother’s only daughter. | | |A bright girl she was. | | | | | |Enmeshed in comforting | |5 |Fat, I wonder at her delicate angles. | |Her autocratic knee | | | | | |Like a Degas dancer’s | | |Adjusts to the observer with airy poise, | | |That now lugs me upstairs | | | | |10 |Hardly. Her face, broken | | |By nothing sharper than smiles, holds in its smiles | | |What I

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Path-Goal Leadership Questionnaire Personal Statement

Path-Goal Leadership Questionnaire - Personal Statement Example Path Goal Leadership theory is nothing less than a revolution in the world of management and leadership as the man himself said in his paper, ‘Path Goal Theory of Leadership: Lessons, Legacy, and a Reformulated Theory (House, 1996). This particular theory focuses on the relationship between the manager and his or her subordinate staff and how that relationship affects the performance of the staff and the company generally. The four main styles talked of in this theory are; Directive leadership, supportive leadership, achievement-oriented leadership, and participative leadership. A manager working by the rules of Path Goal Management should at least be one of these things if not all; a Goal Setter, a Supporter, a Clarification Provider, and a Participant (Mooney, 2010). After completing the questionnaire the results I reached led me to believe that I rely a lot on directive leadership and least on participative leadership. Directive leadership accounts for providing staff with clarity in a situation when the staff is not independent enough to be left on their own. And participative leadership depends and works on the basis of participation from every level of the staff. I believe that generally while dealing with any one subordinate to me I tend to keep things serious and work-oriented. For example, keeping the lowest level of subordinate staff in mind, when dealing with the working class in case of an event management I would give them all directions and the entire explanation and then leave them to do their work, of course with occasional supervision trips. This however does not mean that you restrict the environment so much that people start feeling bound and entitled to your command. The platform for opinion-making or giving suggestions is alwa ys open for anyone who has something worth sharing. The success rate of this management style however is not a set hundred percent. While using the directive style you have to be careful so that your directions do not

Friday, September 27, 2019

Colorado Department of Education Website Search and Critique Research Paper

Colorado Department of Education Website Search and Critique - Research Paper Example The pages "For Educators" and "For Administrators", on the other hand, contain almost the same information such as educator licensing services, information on early childhood, K-12, and adult education programs, and links to outside resources. Finally, the "For Parents & Students" page offers information on district schools, state & federal grants, and home schooling, among many others.  Ã‚   Helpful Information Overall, I think the website offers  a holistic picture  of the current state of educational system in Colorado. Through data and statistical reports, one can get a glimpse of how schools and students perform well or poorly. This constant monitoring of performance serves as a reminder  for school administrators to maintain or improve their performance. Parents and students, meanwhile,  can readily access a wide variety of information that  can guide them in making education-related decisions. The website offers information on district schools, their performance, a nd programs that enhance student learning. Finally, the public is kept updated on latest developments through the news and announcement pages. Missing Information I'd like to find information about the department's future plans and directions.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Answering questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Answering questions - Assignment Example This is why in the research conducted; the researcher identified both the dependent and independent variables in order to know which factors he cannot manipulate. However, the researcher did not rely on quantitative methods. This is because in quantitative methods, much data is collected which implies that results may be limited as they offer numerical explanations rather than detailed description of results. In addition, research is conducted in unnatural way in order to apply a level of control, which might produce different results from the real world results. Further, results obtained do not reflect how people think and feel about the research topic. The researcher in this research had good grasp of research questions, which allowed him to compare photographs of candidates in different newspapers but in the same race. In this case, Pollock (58) asserts that it is easy to influence information in reproducible and consistent

Body shop case study, part 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Body shop case study, part 2 - Assignment Example Brand management is the result of strategic marketing. From pricing a product to pensioning that product in the targeted consumer mind are parts of strategic brand management. Customers’ feedback will be interpreted and analyzed in this paper with based on academic concept of brand management. A mind will be developed of Body Shop with respect to the feedback of the comments of interviewee customers about their experience on the products of Body Shop. Competitive analysis is another important area of brand management. Therefore, position of Body Shop brand in the customers’ mind will be evaluated by comparing the competitors positioning. Possibility and viability of brand extension will be analyzed based on the gap of customers’ satisfaction regarding the company’s products and their satisfaction. Finally, marketing momentum of this brand will be analyzed in Australian market of beauty products. Table of Contents Introduction 4 Data collection and analysis 5 Findings 6 Mind map analysis 8 Competitive market position 9 Brand extension 10 Marketing momentum in Australia 11 Conclusion 12 Reference 13 Introduction Body Shop is an international beauty products brand. Name of the company is The Body Shop International plc which is a US based multinational company established in 1976. The company has successfully grown from its first shop in Brington, England to 2400 stores in 61 countries. Effective brand management is one of the key reasons of its success. Both the market diversification along with product development strategies have been adopted by the company result a rapid growth in the European market and after that successful business in the international market. Recently, the company has been acquired by L’Oreal group and it has become a subsidiary of L’Oreal. The company sells more than 1200 products in domestic as well different foreign market across the world. There are different strategies and factors behind this s uccessful creation of international brand. The company has been ethically following its core business values which cumulatively influenced its brand image. One of the important values of the company related to its brand management is that the company is dedicated to manufacture its wide range of products from the natural resources and least usage of chemicals. This is one o9f the key strength of the company which has become its competency over years. Customer acceptance and trust on the product of this company is positive result of brand management (The Body Shop, 2012). This study will deal with detailed analysis of some customers’ feedback about the products offered by the company. This will help to assess the position of the brand in competitive global market of beauty products. Customers’ buyers’ power is very high due to higher availability of beauty products in many domestic as well as international brands. So, brand extension is most important for this bu siness that all companies keep continuous focus. Therefore, interviewing the customers will help to find out the requirement of brand extension of this company. Finally, recommendation for effective strategic brand management for its marketing momentum in Australian market will be provided based on the analysis and the demand and trend of customers’ preference about beauty products. Data collection and analysis There are different modes and processes of data collection i.e. collection of customers valuable feedback regarding products

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Modern and Postmodern Western Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Modern and Postmodern Western Music - Essay Example Postmodern era is concerned with more advance technicalities putting forth the hybridism, relativism, heterogeneity, aesthetic hedonism, anti-essentialism and the rejection of grand narratives. The era of modernism is characterized by the movements involving revolution of visual arts, music, literature, and drama which rejected the old Victorian standards. Modernism redefined the art in every facet through increased emphasis on impression. The perspective of observation gained importance over the perspective of standard perception. The reinvention was also evident through the reducing distinction between genres, increased reflexivity, and rejection of formal elaboration. Postmodernism also obeys these rules of reinvention but unlike modernism it finds the ways to celebrate them. While the focus of modernism was literary and art historic sources, postmodernism focused on history and sociology, i.e., the more pressing topics of daily life of people. While modernism was the concept of new beginning postmodernism refers to the nurturing and progressing of those new findings. Postmodern era takes a more world wide view in contrast to modern era and unlike the emphasis on reality in modern era, postmodernism promotes fiction as reality and removes the barrier between imagination and practicality. â€Å"Modernism† and â€Å"postmodernism† concepts are also found to reflect in the music of the respective era. Musical modernism was characterized by the desire for or belief in progress and science, anti-romanticism, surrealism, political advocacy and general intellectualism.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 40

Management - Essay Example In business, the resolution to communicate in any of the three form of communication can be an influential one. In addition, a good leader is conscious of the nonverbal messages communicated by whichever type of communication. It is vital to note that in most organization only 7% of verbal communications are done via the mouth. Communication channels differ in how rich their information is. Information-rich channels put across more information that is non verbal. Verbal communications are usually richer than on paper information. Research illustrates that effectual managers are inclined to employ more information-rich message channels than less successful leaders. As it appears in the contemporary business society, the technology is mostly used to deliver information. However, this is not the most effective way to answer and send messages for various reasons. In the progress of an organizational structure, communication mediums are a significant consideration. The boss in a hierarchical system is a connection in the communication sequence. It is the hierarchical organization that provides direction to and inflicts limitations upon the stream of communications. Management choices and rules flow from superior to inferior levels in the business. Replies and reports from the subordinate level managers follow up in the organization. The managers use various mediums of communication depending on the receiver and most importantly the effectiveness of the medium. Also, there are several mediums of communication that involves the use of business email. In this case, an approximate 60 billion e-mails are sent every day. That makes the use of e-mail as a communication medium the second most accepted medium of communication internationally. The development of e-mail has been stunning but it has also been accompanied by several challenges in managing information in organizations, effectiveness and the growing speed of conducting business. Some leaders

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Geography Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Geography - Lab Report Example The third category â€Å"Good Alternative†, its application is mainly evident worldwide where the coverage encompasses unregulated sea regions. Hence, depict good records in comparison to other techniques if applied to the similar coverage. Additionally, Yellowfin Tuna’s capability to reproduce quickly also aids in boosting their sustainability despite heavy overfishing especially in the unregulated regions (MBAF). The fish forms the overfished category where there is the utilization of destructive methods especially to the other marine life or environment. In addition, it is unfit for consumption owing to its high mercury content besides other contaminants. Fish’s category chiefly relies on its environment and the mode of fishing that may pose either negative or positive impact on other aquatic life and environment (MBAF). For instance, fish that are in the same group with Hake White usually possess high mercury content besides being unfit for consumption, which is contrary to Barramundi. After attaining this information, I now prefer Barramundi fish, because it does not have any negative effects on human besides its rearing and fishing being environmentally

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Creating TV Drama Essay Example for Free

Creating TV Drama Essay The Public Defenders – We all know about the lives of top-league lawyers who rake in millions of dollars settling class action suits or representing celebrity clients. We all also realize, somewhere back in our minds that for every high-priced lawyer whos working to spin celebrity Q-ratings and turn high-profile crimes into high-tax bracket success, there are ten public defenders (PDs) sweating out in the innards of some state or federal building, working for peanuts to save the dregs of society from an indifferent and often unjust legal system . The Public Defenders chronicles the toll that long hours and short pay take on the personal lives of four PDs who walk a tightrope of action and suspense while balancing their self-sacrificing professional lives with their all-too-self-absorbed sex lives and driving ambitions. The viewer enters the world of The Public Defenders from the vantage point of the common citizen: first glimpsing the four PDs in their professional roles. Each episode begins with four short but conflict-heavy teasers representing the beginnings of four distinct, but sometimes interweaving cases. The bulk of each weeks episode is devoted to the resolution of the four cases, by each of the PDs respectively. In some episodes, a case will be left hanging to be resolved in a later episode or episodes. As in real life, the PDs will often represent the same client or clients on repeated cases and it is likely that many defendants and clients of the PDs will become running fixtures as minor characters throughout the series entirety. Each of the PDs: Emmanuel Gonzalez: a young Yale graduate who chose to work in the trenches, student Jonathan Smith: a closet alcoholic, Sara Kentowitz: a compassionate but highly sexual do-gooder, and Joann Bonier: an ambitious but flawed attorney, becomes embroiled with their clients, often in sexual or romantic entanglements and sometimes, events unfold so rapidly and chaotically that the PDs themselves may cross the lines of legality. The plot-lines for specific episodes are based on showcasing the thin line between subjectivity and objectivity. The scripts will show blatantly that attorneys are anything but neutral when it comes to pushing their cases and working for their clients. Instead they are either emotionally engaged or coldly indifferent form the start of their cases and their professional work shows the degree to which they are personally engaged, invested, and interested in their clients. Ongoing plot-lines which thread through all the episodes will help to flesh out the characters and add a linear narrative dimension to the episodic format. Emmanuel is dealing with the process of a complicated divorce from his wife of 7 years, coupled with a child custody battle while his soon to be ex-wife is dealing with extreme alcoholism. He is also defending a repeat offender on trial for murdering his brother. Sara deals with an abusive husband while defending a 16 year-old being charged with rape. Jonathan is scheduled to go before the disciplinary committee for a hearing followed by an altercation in court, and is currently the sole care-giver for is aging parents. His father is showing symptoms of the early stages of Alzheimers. His mother suffers with depression. Joann, who is single, struggles to balance her work-load with the needs of her co-workers and her desire to have a personal life. Each of these over-arching plot lines will continue to spin threads and exert influence over the individual episodes which, as previously mentioned, may or may not resolve individual plot-lines. To allow our targeted viewing audience to connect and identify with the characters, The Public Defender will be filmed in courtrooms, jail cells and in the homes of our characters, giving an in-depth real life feel for the struggles that the characters are dealing with. In stark contrast the personal scenes will be filmed in a romantic idealized style which emphasizes hope and humanity. The sub-text of these visual contrasts is that the shows characters draw their inspiration to keep fighting from their real life relationships and not from law-books or high-flying principles. In fact , The PDs are willing to subvert principles and even laws to win cases that have moved them or touched them personally because they have to do so to win. The deck is stacked against them: the are over-worked, under-trained, and representing those who are least able to defend themselves. The depth of the real life affects on the characters is intended to attract eductaed audiences of a predominantly mature demographic. The target audience would be compatible with that of Law and Order or West Wing. However, many of the shows minor characters and sub-plots will be devoted to youthful issues and themes which impact younger people, so it hoped that 18-25 year-old college students may also find the show worthy of attention. Crime buffs, CSI fans, and fans of courtroom dramas should also be targeted with advertising and scheduling as much as possible as it is hoped that this demographic will also prove fruitful for The Pubic Defenders. The hook for taking viewers out of the competitions time-slot is The Public Defenders no-holds-barred romanticism coupled with its no-hold-barred realism: the PDs love hard, they play to win but they lose just as often and their clients pay the price. Airing this program will allow the network to not only capture the targeted audience but hold them for each and every episode. It will be the talk of the campus, the office and coffee shops everywhere. Those that miss these episodes will be looking to see when the reruns will be airing.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Effect of Schemas on Our Understanding of the Social World

Effect of Schemas on Our Understanding of the Social World Victoria Lishman With reference to relevant research studies, evaluate the extent to which our understanding of our social world is constrained by our schemas. Every[p1] day people use their senses to gain a lot of information about the world they live in. To help filter the important information, (people) human beings have developed processes to help make sense of the world around them. One process that people use is schemas; these (are based on) can produces stereotypes but provide (and) predictability. Schemas relate to particular objects, roles, events or people, they are based on memory and knowledge. However there are times where schemas can be wrong for instance if people jump to conclusions based on a stereotype which turns out to be false. There has been a variety of different research studies into the topic of schemas, how they work, how they change as well as what happens when a stereotype turns out to be wrong. This assignment will examine some of the research studies and their value in evaluating how far schemas constrain how people understand the world. People gain too much information from the world around them to accurately (understand) process it, filtering needs to occur in order for people to clarify what is important. Heider suggested that for people to understand the world they use regularity, predictability and cause and effect (Buchanan, Anand, Joffe and Thomas, 2007). Schemas contain knowledge about particular objects, people and scripts, and the information is organised in memory. It is stored and accessed in a certain way and can be added to changed or used as people learn new or different information that will change the stereotype they have on a certain object (Buchanan, Anand, Jaffe and Thomas, 2007). There are many different types of schemas, they can be about people, social roles or events, they are all used as a way of filtering as people do not have the ability to take on all information (Buchanan, Anand, Joffe and Thomas, 2007). As schemas contain generalised knowledge about objects, they can be wrong and can aff ect how people see future situations related to the object. This shows that how people see the social world can be constrained by their schemas. Information some see as being unimportant may alter the view of a person that someone else may have a different opinion of. Schemas can affect how people see the world as what people perceive is shaped by their knowledge, expectations and assumptions about the way the world is (Buchanan, Anand, Joffe and Thomas, 2007), this means that schemas can often control how people see their social world. The research study which found that schemas exist suggests that peoples social world is controlled by schemas was the research by Bartlett, (1932), who found that when English people were asked to retell a Native American folk tale it became more English over time (Buchanan, Anand, Jaffe and Thomas, 2007). They added more English expectations to it, changing the story to make sense to them, making it easier to remember and retell. This research study could be made more valid if it was done in more cultures, for example if an Indian person was asked to retell an English story, as it would allow for more participants and allow for a more generalised conclusion. The experiment by Bartlett held a lot of value as it st arted other psychologists looking in to the subject of schemas and their influence on how people understand their world and how much control they have over how people understand their social world. The method of this experiment is impacted by memory as it is unknown over what length of time the retelling of the folk tale occurs, there could have been a controlled condition where the same people were asked to retell an English folk tale to see how much they change or remember of it. This suggests that the understanding of the social world is controlled by schemas[p2]. A different research study by Darley and Gross (1983), showed that when people were asked to give their view on a girl’s academic ability based on whether she came from a high socio-economic status or a low socio-economic one, they suggested she would have an average ability. However after watching a video of her doing an oral exam which showed her having an average academic ability, their view changed. The participants who had watched the introductory video of her from a high socio-economic background suggested she had a high academic ability. However the participants that had watched the low socio-economic background introduction video suggested she had a low academic ability. This shows that the participants’ stereotypes which they had after the introductory video seemed to be confirmed after the oral video. This research study suggests that rich children are judged to be more similar to each other than to those from a lower socio-economic background (Buchanan, Anand , Jaffe and Thomas, 2007). This research study showed that while people do not generally want to seem as stereotyping others, (stereotypical,) by not jumping to a conclusion after just watching either introductory video, they seemed to have already made up their mind before watching the second video. This shows that schemas are very powerful and can lead people to conclusions without gathering all the information. The[p3] method is (accurate) valid as it allows for both the high socio-economic status stereotype and the low socio-economic stereotype. This suggests that how people see and understand the social world is constrained by schemas as the roles people are given determine other generalisations. The research study that Ruscher et al (2000) did showed that when a person is dependent on another person as well as themselves, the impression of another person is likely to be less b(i)ased on schemas and involve more information which may contradict the expectations of the person which were first thought of. This suggests that when it matters people can be more open to going beyond their initial expectations (Buchanan, Anand, Jaffe and Thomas, 2007). This experiment also shows that schemas are more efficient as people avoid doing more work unless they have to. The method of the Ruscher et al (2000) experiment was valid as it used four different conditions and the conclusion was drawn up by looking at the average time it took participants to make a comment about the target person. The conclusion drawn from the experiment showed that motivational relevance does effect the importance, people place on schemas and shows that people can form impressions based on characteristics not belo nging in the original stereotype of a person, object or event (Buchanan, Anand, Jaffe and Thomas, 2007). This research study allows for the research into schemas to be extended, it suggests future research into what other reasons people might allow for not simply going with the stereotype, is there other reasons or different motivation apart from monetary gain? It would also be interesting to see if people would do this without any motivation at all. The research shows that in some cases the social world is not constrained by schemas, that people can look beyond stereotypes; however it also asks more questions in this area[p4]. This[p5] assignment has examined several different research studies that look at schemas and shown that although in some cases schemas do control how people understand the social world, there are experiments that have shown that people can go beyond the stereotype and look at people, objects or events in different ways. The Bartlett study showed that people use schemas to change a folktale to fit in with their culture, what they understand to be right, how people are supposed to behave. The Darley and Gross study showed that people interpret things in a way to support a stereotype which they already believe to be true. However, the Ruscher et al study has shown that people can change what they believe to be true, that they can add or take away characteristics of a person so that they no longer fit with a previous stereotype. These studies together have shown that while most understanding of the social world is controlled by schemas, it is possible for stereotypes to be changed. Howev er the Rusher et al study which showed this, used motivation for people to change their stereotypes and therefore it means that there could be more research done in this area. Word count: 1357 Bibliography Buchanan, K., Anand, P., Jaffe, H. and Thomas, K. (2007) Perceiving and understanding the social world in Miell, D. Pheonix, A. Thomas, K. (Eds.), Mapping psychology (2nd ed.). Milton Keynes: The Open University. [p1]A reasonable introduction which shows understanding of the issue, and tells the reader how you mean to tackle the question. [p2]Clear account of Bartlett’s work with some relevant commentary about the methodology. [p3]However, it could be said to lack ecological validity since the scenario is presented in a very different way to the real world. [p4]Clear, accurate and concise account of this study, its methodological benefits and implications in relation to the question. [p5]A clear and well- focused conclusion, which clearly summarises you points, in relation to the question,

Thursday, September 19, 2019

For Animal Rights Essay -- social issues

For Animal Rights Animals are used for a variety of different tests. Human disease cures are always tried on animals first, most make up must perform experiments with the product on animals first, and dogs and pigs are used to practice surgery on for surgeons. It is not fair and humane to conduct experiments on animals to make sure a product or procedure is safe for us to use or endure. There are no legitimate reasons that an animal’s life is worth less than our own. I think that animal's should have similar rights that people have because they too feel pain and experience emotions and just because they look different doesn’t mean that they are that much different than us. I understand that scientists do need to test out products, but wouldn’t they get more accurate results of they tested a human product on a human? For example, while trying to find a cure for a stroke scientists have tested many possibilities out on rats. Out of the hundreds of tests only thirty have worked on the rats, and out of those thirty only three have had any success in humans (Freeman, speaker). I think we would find cures and medications much easier if we tested these things out on our own species. By testing on humans we would get more information on how our bodies react to different drugs compared to continuing the testing on different species that don’t have the same body and DNA make-up as us. It makes it easiest to test on animals because they can’t disagree or volunteer. That would mak...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Soliloquies of Shakespeares Hamlet - To be or not to be Soliloquy

The â€Å"To be or not to be† Soliloquy in Hamlet      Ã‚  Ã‚   One soliloquy stands out above the others in William Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Of the seven soliloquies by the protagonist, the â€Å"To be or not to be† soliloquy is universally recognized as superior to the others. This essay considers this most famous soliloquy.    Marchette Chute in â€Å"The Story Told in Hamlet† describes just how close the hero is to suicide while reciting his most famous soliloquy:      Hamlet enters, desperate enough by this time to be thinking of suicide. It seems to him that it would be such a sure way of escape from torment, just to cease existing, and he gives the famous speech on suicide that has never been worn thin by repetition. â€Å"To be, or not to be . . .† It would be easy to stop living.    To die, to sleep; No more. And by a sleep to say we end The heartache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to . . .    But Hamlet has never succeeded in deceiving himself, and he cannot do so now. . . . [He] will not . . . be able to kill himself. He has thought too much about it to be able to take any action. (39)    Considering the context of this most notable soliloquy, the speech appears to be a reaction from the determination which ended the â€Å"rogue and peasant slave† soliloquy. In fact, in the Quarto of 1603 the â€Å"To be† speech comes BEFORE the players’ scene and the nunnery scene – and is thus more logically positioned to show its emotional connection to the previous soliloquy (Nevo 46). Lawrence Danson in the essay â€Å"Tragic Alphabet† discusses the most famous of soliloquies as involving an â€Å"eternal dilemma†:      The problem of time’s discrediting effects upon human actions and intentions ... ...evin, Harry. â€Å"An Explication of the Player’s Speech.† Modern Critical Interpretations: Hamlet. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1986. Rpt. from The Question of Hamlet. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1959.    Nevo, Ruth. â€Å"Acts III and IV: Problems of Text and Staging.† Modern Critical Interpretations: Hamlet. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1986. Rpt. from Tragic Form in Shakespeare. N.p.: Princeton University Press, 1972.    Rosenberg, Marvin. â€Å"Laertes: An Impulsive but Earnest Young Aristocrat.† Readings on Hamlet. Ed. Don Nardo. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Rpt. from The Masks of Hamlet. Newark, NJ: Univ. of Delaware P., 1992.    Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1995.   

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Go Ask Alice Essay -- essays research papers

Go Ask Alice! Alice is fifteen, white, middle, class. She diets, she dates. She loves Roger but the most time he doesn’t notice her. If she would ever sleep with a boy she would sleep with him. Alice hates her look. She wants to be pretty and slim. Lately she loses fascination about all things. School is boring and she doesn’t even go to parties. Her parents want to move. Her Dad is invited to become the Dean of the Political Science at - . Alice is happy and is not hard for her to leave the old school. But she misses her old house and her grandparents who she calls gramp and gran. Alice has a brother called Tim and a sister Alexandria. The two are younger than Alice. At her new school it is horrible for her. Nobody speaks to her the first days. but her brother and sister like the new school. Finally she finds a friend at school. Her name is Gerda, but Alice’s mother and father don’t like her. Alice doesn’t feel happy in her family. She hates his sister and her brother more than she loves them. Tim is intolerable and her mother is constantly Peking at her. Alice gets to know Beth Baum. Beth is Jewish and her father is a doctor. Her mother nags a lot. Alice’s parents like Beth, because she is pretty nice. In the holidays Beth goes on a summer camp for six weeks and Alice stays at her grans. One day she meets Jill Peters and she invites her for a party. Alice doesn’t like taking drugs. She wants to stop it...

Coffee Shops Essay

Whenever I am in need to study or just want to find a place to hangout, what instantly springs to my mind is a coffee shop. There are many different coffee shops around me, but only one is my absolute favorite. My favorite coffee shop is Beca House. Beca House is a locally owned business and is only about twelve minutes from my house. It is the coziest little nook, where I usually spend my mornings before class eating breakfast and drinking my favorite espresso coffee drink. After all, coffee is the best way to wake up and get the body moving. As I walk into Beca House every morning, the strong bitter aroma of ground coffee beans drift through the air, soaking into my clothes as I make my way to the counter to place my order. The smell was circulating because the coffee bar is located near the left side of the shop. The first attraction for me was the baked goods. They are tidily placed in the transparent glass cabinet, lining up and waiting for me to eat them all. There were all different types of baked goods like muffins, streusels, cheesecakes, cookies, and biscotti’s. Up above near the ceiling of the bar, there were an assortment of coffee beans packed into brown bags. The barista takes my order, large campfire frappe, double espresso. On a cooler day, I order a hot vanilla cappuccino. The delicious smell of coffee generates from the espresso machines. There is also a blackboard on the counter near the menu with a quote written with chalk that will change from day to day. The barista hands me my custom beverage order, and I stroll back to the front of the coffee shop to find a place to get comfortable. All along the walls of the shop are strategically placed vintage paintings and inspirational quotes. Dim lights shine on the spaced out vintage furniture, making for a very soothing and quiet atmosphere. No two pieces of furniture are the same, big couches, small wooden chairs, dark colored pillows, and rustic end tables. I like admiring this type of environment: soothing and calming, yet still inviting. In comparison to most restaurants, coffee shops are by no means a noisy place. The sound of chatters and laughter blends together with the background music playing around the shop, and the volume is set at a medium tone. Coffee shops provide a comfortable, yet sociable gathering spot for people of all ages. I often find peers of my own studying for big tests, writing papers, or maybe just reading a new book and relaxing. The Beca House is my favorite part to my day. I cannot start without it. Even on days that I do not have class, I find myself getting my daily cup of coffee at the crack of dawn, just before work. Stopping at Beca House has become part of my daily routine, and I do not see it being cut out any time soon. I know I go there a lot when the barista’s know my order when I walk through the door. There’s something so perfect about it being just me, my thoughts, and my morning cup of coffee.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Tata Motors

TATA MOTORS I. INTRODUCTION Tata Group is an Indian multinational company headquartered MUMBAI, MAHARASHTRA, INDIA. Tata group business is spread across 7 sectors their main sector being steels. Their empire is spread across 6 continents and has its presence in 80 nations. The combined market capitalization of all the 31 listed Tata companies was $89. 88 billion as of March 2012. Tata group gets its major revenue from overseas market contributing 58%. Tata Motors Limited is an Indian multinational manufacturing company. It is a subsidiary of the Tata group.Its products include passenger cars, trucks, vans, coaches, buses and military vehicles. It is the worlds 18th largest motor vehicle manufacturing company, fourth-largest truck manufacturer and second-largest bus manufacturer by volume. In Forbes fortune 500 companies Tata motors occupies 314th position. With the launch of Tata sierra in the year in 1991 Tata motors entered the passenger car segment. Tata Motors acquired the South Korean truck manufacturer Daewoo Commercial Vehicles Company in 2004 and the British premium carmaker Jaguar Land Rover in 2008.Tata Motors has vehicle assembly operations in India, the United Kingdom, South Korea, Thailand, Spain and South Africa. It plans to establish plants in  Turkey, Indonesia and Eastern Europe. Tata Motors' principal subsidiaries include Jaguar Land Rover, Tata Daewoo and Tata Hispano. Tata Motors has consolidated revenue of 32. 5 billion USD in the financial year 2011-2012. Tata motors have an employee base of more than 55,000 employees. Tata motor is the first Indian company from the engineering sector to be listed in the New York stock exchange. II. SWOT ANALYSIS OF TATA MOTORS LIMITEDSTRENGTHS: 1) Strong domestic presence: Tata has a strong presence in Indian market and it is a key manufacturer of commercial vehicles. It is the leading producer in commercial vehicles in all segment and they are among the top 3 producers in passenger vehicles market. Tat a motor company is India’s largest company with the revenue of 1,233,133 crore in the year 2010-2011. 2) Tata motors not only have the strategy for expansion and acquisitions but also they have the intensive management development program in order to develop the leaders of tomorrow. ) Taste and preference of the consumers in local regions is always taken care of in Tata motors. 4) Tata motors have a long list of product portfolios. It has passenger cars, commercial vehicles, trucks and coaches WEAKNESS 1) Tata motors cars are considered for economy class people and not in luxury car segment. So the company lacks its place in luxury car segment. 2) Though Tata cars are present in worldwide it has created major customer base only in India and its nearby countries like Bangladesh, srilanka, Pakistan. 3) The consumer base is limited to certain areas and certain people. ) Tata cars are not following the safety standards. Their design and the body metal used leads to this types of public image. This is a major concern for Tata. Their major example is their Tata Nano. 5) Tata cars are not for the younger generation consumers. Tata cars design is not been attracted by the people of the younger generation of people. 6) Return on investment in Tata motors shares is very low. 7) Even though they have bought luxury car manufacturers Jaguar and Land rover Tata has not made its strong presence in luxury car segment. OPPORTUNITIES: ) Luxury carmaker jaguar and land rover has added a greater advantage to its product portfolio. 2) Tata has a major support from the Indian government. 3) High market demand for the passenger car segment with low price. 4) The world is geared up for the greener revolution and there is a huge market for alternate fuel vehicles. THREATS: 1) Tata cars safety standards can lay down the public trust on their varied portfolio of cars. 2) Other car companies are there for more than 40 years so Tata should learn the production and quality from othe r car manufacturing vehicles. ) The economic conditions of the world countries. The downfall of the economic conditions and the constant fluctuations in the currency rates 4) For a low cost producer sustainability and environmental causes would be a greater concern. 5) Rising cost in the global economy for the steel and raw materials for the production of car can increase the cost of production of car. Most of the cars manufactured by Tata run on Diesel and cost of the Diesel is also increasing around the world and also in home country. GROWTH STRATEGYTata motors growth strategy is to have a position, which is not easily taken up by other competitors in the domestic market, and to expand its market to other countries by 1) Leveraging in house capabilities 2) Through strategic acquisitions and mergers to have a added advantage of their capabilities. In the year 1984 Tata Motors launched Light Commercial Vehicle. In the Year 1996 SUV (sierra) was launched by Tata. In the year 1998 Tat a launched its First passenger car. In the year 2004 Tata acquired Daewoo a Korean company. In the year 2005 Tata Acquired in Hispano, SpainFormed an industrial JV with Fiat, JV in India with Marco polo of Brazil, JV in Thailand with Thonburi In the year 2007. Acquisition of JLR took place in the year 2008. ACQUISITIONS AND JOINT VENTURES: TATA MOTORS AND MORCOPOLO; Tata formed a 51:49 Joint venture With Brazil based Marcopolo for manufacturing of Buses. Targeting mass rapid transportation this joint venture between Tata and Marcopolo manufactures and assembles fully built buses technical know – how support from Tata and process and Body design from Marcopolo. TATA AND FIAT: Tata formed a 50:50 JV with Fiat.With that Joint venture fiat supplied their Engines to Tata cars and Tata motors took care of selling Fiat cars through their dealers. ACQUISITIONS: TATA – DAEWOO Tata motors acquired Daewoo commercial vehicle of South Korea in the year 2004. The reason behind the a cquisition of Daewoo was to reduce the too much exposure in the domestic market and to expand Internationally. The acquisition of Tata and Daewoo lead to the 2nd largest manufacturer of Trucks in South Korea. TATA- HISPANO: In 2005 Tata motors acquired 21% of stakes in Hispano which lead to an opportunity in fully built bus segment.Hispano is European bus manufacturer. In 2009 it acquired the remaining 79% of the stakes by making Hispano their fully owned subsidiary. JAGUAR LAND ROVER: IN the year 2008 when the ford motor company sold JLR to Tata motors it JLR became the wholly owned Subsidiary of Tata motors. Thus by acquiring JLR Tata motors made its foot print in the luxury car segment. It was also one of the greatest acquisitions. It increased the diversity of market segments and their product portfolio. It created a great opportunity for Tata to enter into to Luxury segment with the world’s iconic brand.MARKETING MIX OF TATA MOTORS: 1) PRODUCT: Tata has a wide variety of vehicles placed in different segments. It has vehicles for commercial purposes, Passenger vehicles and in defense sectors also. They have the product placement in all the segments. 2) PRICE: Tata motorcars are generally affordable. Tata motors are targeting the middle-income class of people. Their cars are generally affordable and their service cost is also affordable when compared to the other car manufactures in India. They also manufacture the world’s cheapest car (Tata Nano).They also target the High-income group of people with the acquisition of JLR. The vehicle should not be priced high from other competitors and it should not be priced too low. 3) PROMOTION: a) Personal Selling: Advertising and after sales service is the main promotion strategy of Tata Motors. The basic aspect of advertising is to how you tell the message and what is the medium to tell message. Personal selling is more of in Tata Motors. With the customers who are in the intention to make a sale Tata motors dealers do a personal talk with the customers. b) Trade Fairs and Exhibition:Trade fairs and Exhibitions can promote their new concepts and they can introduce their new vehicles. This type of fairs will get a worldwide attention and recognition for their new models. Auto expo will be a meeting for both the consumers and for the trade. This will increase the awareness among the consumers. c) Sponsorship: It is that Tata motors will be associated with some sports events or events. This will help the Brand to get recognition among the persons who is associated with those events. Tata motors are sponsoring a football game in Spain. d) Advertisements:To create more awareness among the consumers Television Advertisements is also used. Radio advertisements are done to create awareness among the rural consumers. For detailed information print media is also concentrated. DISTRIBUTION OF TATA MOTORS: DMS Technology is used for efficient coordination between the dealers who are spread w orldwide. Apart from distribution networks it has also distributed its manufacturing units in various countries apart from India. Tata motors have assembly units in Brazil, Bangladesh, Thailand, and South Africa. Supply Chain excellence is one of the major success factors for Tata motors.Tata motors distribution and logistics part of the business is outsourced to Tata motors Distribution Company limited (TDCL) that is the wholly owned subsidiary of Tata motors to keep their distribution costs minimum. Through this Tata motors is reducing at least 1% of their distribution and they can concentrate on their core business. TDCL delivers the right product in right time and in right place, which in turn offered flexibility for Tata Motors. Supplier relationship management program and dealer management system bound the suppliers and dealers. Time to time reviews of these programs ensures the program work effectively.Importance is given for supplier coverage and transaction within the organ ization. FINANACE STRATEGIES OF TATA MOTORS: Financial loss in the year 2001 was really a shock for the Tata Motors. It was caused by the reduce in demand for their Truck segment and heavy Investment for their entry into passenger car segment caused them heavy loss for Tata Motors. It caused a 110 million $ loss to the Tata motors. So in 2001 Tata motors decided a 3-phase recovery process each phase is for 2 years totally the process is for 6 years. PHASE 1: To stop the bleedingPHASE 2: To consolidate the position in the Indian market. PHASE 3: To operate Internationally. For phase 1 the key objective was to reduce the Break-even point and to move into market pricing which was the technique of cost reduction. Benchmarking its rivals is also a cost reduction technique. E- sourcing is new to India when Tata went into it. But today Tata is the largest company using e- sourcing and it is leading in the automobile industry. E- sourcing is a faster way to conducting Tenders in online. E- sourcing reduced the Break- even point to one third from two third of their utilization of capacity.The company would be even more profitable when the size is reduced to even 60%. This ensured the bleeding of the company is stopped. For phase 2 to make the product more competitive in the market they improvised in the quality of the product and new product was introduced in the market they would be required by the market for another three to five years. By tightening the credit norms and by improving the liquidity and by new sales planning process and by increasing the profitability of dealers they can strengthen their market place.For phase 3 Tata motors started to identify the international market where there is more potential and where they can earn more respectable market share. â€Å"Tata motors sales (Including Exports) Commercial and passenger vehicles = 71,826 as of august 2012 From the year 2011 to 2012 it has increased by 12% Domestic market Commercial and passenger market = 67,453 as of August 2012 59,874 as of august 2011 It has increased by 4% â€Å" http://www. tatamotors. com/media/press-releases. php? id=783 â€Å"

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Aztec and Inca Dbq

Aztec & Inca DBQ The Aztec and Inca were two very advanced cultural societies for being on of the early civilizations of Central America. These Empires maintained a high level of cultural development due to their social, architectural, and religious aspects. Additional documents that would have aided the explanation of these cultures would be from a priest and his role was a significant part in the community as well as from an architect or constructor, to describe some of the obstacles they needed to surpass in order to erect the magnificent buildings and temples.The social effects of the Aztec & Incan Empires clearly emphasized the superb cultural development that occurred there (documents 1,6,7,8,10,11). The Mendoza Codex exhibits the daily activities and customs of the Aztec realm (doc. 1). It depicts the type of work depending on gender roles, in which men performed more of the hunting activities and the women were taught how to work with crafts. The picture also shows how the ol der generations taught their young the new techniques and traditions. (Insert authors’ pov/bias here). The page from the Codex Mendoza shows the advanced marketplaces they had because of the great variety of goods (doc. ). The numerous manufactured wares also show the type of work and materials that were needed to be done in order to produce the items. (Insert authors’ pov/bias here). In the memoirs of the conquistador Bernal Diaz del Castillo, he describes the quality and vast amounts of goods sold at the Aztec marketplace (doc. 7). He takes not of how the items were displayed and the policies that enforced order throughout the market. However, he does show bias because he compared the Aztec marketplace to that of Portugal, and is truly only interested in gold, silver and slaves.He was also surprised by the way the slaves were able to walk around the city without being restrained. The photograph of the Chinampa system shows the importance of the agricultural method as well as how the geography of the area promoted its use (doc. 8). From the lake dredged islands, much force needed to be exerted by the workers in order to harvest the crops. Although a laboring job, the fields reaped great benefits since they produced seven crops per year. This amount contributed to a mixed diet, which led to better health and a greater population. (Insert authors’ pov/bias here).The picture of the Incan bridge shows the intercommunication between people from different parts of the area to do so with ease (doc. 10). The bridges not only encouraged communication between peoples, but also to aid them form gathering crops from one side of the area to the other, and to increase trade between the two parts of the Incan Empire. (Insert authors’ pov/bias here). The picture from the First New Chronicle and Good Government, illustrated by Felipe Guanan Poma de Ayala, depicts the wide use and dependence on quipu to govern the Incan Empire (doc. 1). This mneumon ic device allowed for rulers and imperial officials to keep track of various statistics including agricultural products, and debts owed by the people. (Insert authors’ pov/bias here). Architecture also contributed to the stimulation of culture in the central American societies (documents 2,9,10,13). The photograph of the carved glyph on the Tenayuca Pyramid in Mexico City exhibits the skill and precision that architects had in constructing a building (doc. 2).Although all these sculptors had were rocks to carve into the rock, they did so in a way that was very proficient and showed their expertise in architecture. (Insert authors’ pov/bias here). The twelve cornered stone, shows the great amount of skill and effort the Incan architects had and needed in order to make such reliable and dependable walls (doc. 9) . The walls are of quality strength because they have lasted from the day they were built up until now without the use of any mortar, just the precise aligning o f carved rocks. (Insert authors’ pov/bias here).Apart from architecture, the Incan engineers built reliable bridges, just like the one that still stands today (doc. 10). This shows the expertise in bridge – making as well as how the bridge could have helped architects build their structures, by using the bridge to cross over the chasm and retrieve rocks that could be used as carving rocks or as building materials. The photograph of Machu Picchu shows the great amount of effort and skill required to create a society that could be depended on and maintained in the mountains (doc. 13). (Insert authors’ pov/bias here).The Incan architects truly show their might with this one, all buildings and structures were put together from hand carved rocks without the use of mortar. The builders also had to create a way for the city to not fall down, which also took much thought and skill. Lastly, religion was a great supporter for the cultural development in the Aztec and Inca n Empires (documents 3,4,5, 12). The civil calendar used by the Aztecs shows the sophistication and complexity of activities throughout the course of the year, and how they paid close attention to religious ceremonies and the agricultural cycle (doc. 3).In this society the gods needed to be worshipped in order to produce great and bountiful harvests, so the veneration of goods was a necessity. (Insert authors’ pov/bias here). The chart describes the rituals that were associated for each month of the year and how it coincided with the Aztec calendar (doc. 4). The chart shows the intense religious devotion of many gods through ways of sacrificing people of certain age groups for each month. (Insert authors’ pov/bias here). The photograph from the Florentine Codex by Friar Bernadino, exhibits the great sacrificial society of the Mexica people (doc 5).This document shows bias because to the people of Central America, human sacrifice is part of their religion and way of wor shiping their gods and giving their offerings, while to a Franciscan monk who is a Christian begger, these ways are seen as heretic and the citizens are considered savages. The first new chronicle and good government by Felipe Guaman Panade Ayala exhibits the great devotion of Incas and their leaders to their sun god (doc. 12). They were strictly believers of the sun god and many other gods and since the document was written by someone who is of Incan descent, it shows bias.He sees the kings rejection to the Christian missionary Fray Vincente, as an act of great courage, loyalty, and devotion to his god, and is seen as a religious figure to other followers of the sun god. All in all, despite some of the Aztec's and Inca's outdated technology methods, and tools, they were at quite an advanced level of cultural development. Together the social, architectural, and religious aspects contributed to these successful societies. This essay receives a score of 9! It covers all requirements.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Impact of Socio Economic Condition on Academic Achievement of Students

Research Proposal On Impact of Socio Economic Condition on Academic Achievement of Students Introduction Education provides individual children with the knowledge and skills necessary to advance themselves and their nation economically. Socioeconomic factors, such as family income level, parents' level of education, race and gender, all influence the quality and availability of education as well as the ability of education to improve life circumstances. (Jennifer, 2005).A person’s education is closely linked to their life chances, income, and well being. Therefore, it is important to have a clear understanding of what benefits or hinders one’s educational attainment (Barry 2005). Socioeconomic status (SES) is often measured as a combination of education, income, and occupation. It is commonly conceptualized as the social standing or class of an individual or group. When viewed through a social class lens, privilege, power, and control are emphasized.Understanding the ef fects of socioeconomic status on academic performance is important in determining effective and valid testing for students. Determining the correlation between these two variables is important for all educators to understand, so that all students can achieve to their academic potential. Finding the correlation between academic performance and socioeconomic status can assist educators in determining instructional strategies that best fit each individual student (Brent, 2009).The issue of socioeconomic status and its relationship in the academic performance creates an emerging study in academic research. The link between the economic status of the family and its influence in the student’s pursuance for education is one of the issues that the educators are attempting to address. In public institutions all levels of students are getting chance to study according to their merit. After getting the scope to study in public universities, it is not a very easy task for all students to carry on their studies in present circumstances.According to statistical reports 23-25% students of public universities are come from those families which are living below the poverty line (Dr. Abdul Hai, 2009). Problem Statement The level of family income, what level of income a family is in, has the potential to influence a child's ability to perform from one extreme to the other. Parents with higher status often have more opportunities in preparing their young children for school because they typically have access to a wide range of resources in contrast to parents with lack of financial and social status.Parents with inadequate resources and limited access can negatively affect their young children’s development in learning (Eamon, 2005). In the other developing country, like Bangladesh which is a populous country, socio-economic status of a family is usually linked with the family’s income, parent’s educational level, parent’s occupation and the soc ial status of other relatives. This logic is said to create great parental influences on the student’s university performance (Okafor, 2007). The university effectiveness is also addressed in the determining the outcome of the students.This justification motivated to investigate the socio-economic condition of the parents and its impact on their children’s’ academic achievements in Department of Business Administration Literature Review We know that the link between a child’s socio-economic status (SES) and school achievement is real; it is a very tight link as such things go, and the link has existed for decades (Grant, 2005). The level of family income, what level of income a family is in, has the potential to influence a child's ability to perform from one extreme to the other.If a parent is financially able to clothe, feed and entertain their children it appears they should have all the support they would need to score well on exams. However on the fl ip side, if parents are not financially able to support their children with just the basic needs, it is possible that will have an effect on the child's scores as well(Ima,2008). Extensive   research   in   the   sociology   of   education   offers   conclusive   evidence   of   a   positive   relationship   between   family   socio? economic   status  (SES)   and   the   academic   achievement   of  students   (Sirin,   2005;   White,  1982).On this relationship, Bone (1981) studied and concluded that the students belong to the family of high socio-economic condition have effective academic achievements than students belong to poor family. Sirin (2005) conducted research and the result showed medium to strong relationship between socio-economic condition and academic achievements. The socio-economic condition of a family is an important factor which affects the learning achievements (Iqbal, 2012). According to Bon (1981) Socio -economic status can be measured in a number of different ways.Most commonly it is measured by parents’ education, occupation and income and the responsible factor is father, but sometimes mother’s education or occupation, family income resources or household possession are used, especially in combination. Whatever the measurement is the socio-economic status is positively correlated with both educational attainment and achievement. The socioeconomic background was founded and recognized from the wealthy and well-educated parents that can help to ensure the future of their children.Because of their influence, it is believed that the background of a student is favorable for their learning environment, better education, and good jobs. On the other hand, the children who have the low socioeconomic background are believed to lack in education and obtaining an opportunity in the future may be difficult. Because of the importance of family backgrounds in other countries, it is also referenced to be the major influence on the student school success. The relationships of the student environment have established many variables that can be direct or indirect in the student’s success (Okafor, 2007).Objectives The main aim of the study is to examine the impact of socio-economic condition of parents and its relationship with academic achievements of children. In order to provide the idea regarding the study, there are other objectives that should be considered. * To recognize the perceptions of the students regarding the family status and academic achievements. * To examine the impact of socio-economic condition of parents and its relationship with academic achievements of children. * And to suggest the other possible ways to increase the competitiveness of the academic settings.Methodology This study is an exploratory in nature. For exploring and explaining the impact of socioeconomic condition on academic achievement, the researchers apply both quali tative and quantitative method. To collect information we use various techniques like interview, observation. * Sources of data: The study will be based on both primary and secondary data. The respondents are the source of primary data and the literature (research reports, journals, articles, bulletins) related to the socioeconomic status will be considered as secondary sources of data. Population: Target population of the research is 350 students of Business department. Sampling procedure: As a sample technique we use probability sampling, because every member of the population has a known, non-zero probability of selection. All probability sampling are designed or based on selection criterion and among them we select stratified sampling, a probability sampling procedure in which simple random subsamples that are more or less equal on some characteristics are drawn from within each stratum of the population.Stratified sampling is of two types, proportional stratified sample and dis proportional stratified sample. For purpose of our study we use proportional stratified sampling, a stratified sample in which the number of sampling units drawn from each stratum is proportional to the population size of that stratum. We have stratified 350 students of Business department in seven batches and randomly select seven students from each stratum. * Sample size: The total numbers of sample is 49.All respondents will be selected for interview. Techniques of data collection Research data will be collected by using the techniques of interview. During the interview phase selected respondent will be formally invited to participate in the session. A convenient place of respondent will be fixed according to their yearning. Tools of data collection For collecting data the following tools will be used- * Interview schedule with open and close ended questions * Unit of analysis:Every student of the study will be the unit of analysis. * Respondents: The respondents will be selected on basis of following three criteria. Such as- * Who currently study in Business Administration Department * Those who are engaged on tuition for supporting their study * Those who live in the student hall or Boarding house Data processing and interpretation As result being conducted using the tools of interview schedule. So it will transcribe the data and carefully reexamine to minimized errors in the data.Collected data will be classified into different socio-economic characters. Analysis work after tabulation will generally based on the computation of various percentages. Researcher will use various statistical tools like regression analysis, correlation analysis and also dispersion for analyzing the data. References * Ahmad Iqbal (31 July, 2012), Relationship between parental socio-economic conditions and student’s academic achievements: A case of district dir, Timergara, Pakistan [online] accessed on 21 December 2012. Barry Jennifer (2005), The Effect of Socio-Economic Status on Academic Achievement [online] Accessed on 15 December 2012. * Blevins M Brent (2009), Effects of socioeconomic status on academic performance in Missouri public schools [online] Accessed on 15 December 2012. * C. R. Kothari (2005), Research Methodology: Methods & Techniques – Page: 95-122, used for collecting and analyzing the data. * Ima (November 2008), Socioeconomic Status and School Achievement [online] accessed on 20December 2012. * Okafor, P. (2007) A Case Study: Factors Contributing to the Academic Achievement of Low-Socio Economic Status Students in Anambra South County, Anambra State Nigeria[Online] Available at: http://patrickokafor. com/LeadingtoThesisProposal1. pdf [Accessed 01 December 2012]. * Thomas, J. , & Stockton, C. , (2003) Socioeconomic Status, Race, Gender, & Retention: Impact on Student Achievement [Online] Available at: http://www. usca. edu/essays/vol72003/stockton. pdf [Accessed 07 December 20102]. * William G. Zikmund (2010-2011), Business Research Methods – Page: 400-402, Stratified Sampling Technique.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Was D-day a turning point for America during WW2 Research Paper

Was D-day a turning point for America during WW2 - Research Paper Example This restructured the view of total war where every citizen became a victim of the war. Such ultimatums obliged the citizens to take utmost responsibility in defending their city (Brasch, 35). The events that followed shaped the year 1944 into a combatant year, with every nation asserting pressure to the field of war. The war lasted between four and three years, in the process subjecting the citizens to travel restrictions, slavery in factories or fields, air defense blackouts and ceaseless rationing. The wars impact on the budgetary allocation of the European countries ate up two thirds of the national product (Simpson, 27). Soviet Union and the Nazi Germany had mobilized approximately 46 million men and women between them in the armed war. These conditions prompted a stop in the trends, as the populations fast depreciated (Eisenhower, 24). The total war, for instance included the massive participation of women. Women constituted 35% of the American and British workforce, and up to 50% in the USSR and Nazi Germany. The American population was lucky enough to escape these restrictions, because of the geographical immunity (Brown and Andrew, 32). The war affected the economic balance of America, as the economy strained to afford the high technology expensive armaments, hence straining to maintain a reasonable living standard for the population. The first six months of 1944 were slow to ambushes on the Axis, as forces slowly move towards Europe’s West (Weintraub, 12) with the aim of finishing the European allies of Nazi Germany. The preparations included invasion of France, at the same time prolonged wars continued against other allied forces. The Italian siege was tough as the German resurgence stuck high in mountains to provide strong resistance against confronting forces (Brasch, 22). The assault continued until Polish assault broke the German line to

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Diagnosing a Need for Organizational Change Case Study

Diagnosing a Need for Organizational Change - Case Study Example In this regard, the disaster that befell the shuttle Challenger provided a strong focal point from which organization within bodies could be viewed. The Challenger broke into pieces moments after takeoff on January 28 1986. Prior to this culmination of events, there had been revealing signs that were overlooked by the bodies in authority. A commission was formed to look into the matter and it filed its report after carrying out its research. In light of the above, NASA made most of the recommended changes brought forth by the commission that was looking into the Challenger disaster. Despite this, the occurrence of the Columbia accident on February 1, 2003 opened a new chapter into the effectiveness of the recommendations, and most importantly, shed some light on the issue of organizational culture that tends to undermine the effectiveness of organizations. Organizational culture is the aspect or custom of workers of an organization tending to carry out their activities in a way that may not be fully recommended, but in their organization, it is the norm (Carnall, 2007). While trying to counter this, models have been set up to ensure the best productivity of organizations. Such is the Burke-Litwin model for organizational change. It aims at bringing change to an organization through the creation of connections between performance and the factors within or without the organization, which has an effect over the performance (Burke, 2010). The model relies upon a framework through which the analysis of both internal or organizational factors and external or environmental factors can be linked together to ensure superb performance of an organization. It links both theoretical aspects and practical ideas to result in the best performance (Burke, 2010). This is done in twelve dimensions each of which caters for a particular aspect of the organization. Therefore, the Columbia Accident Investigation Board report and recommendations as put under the Burke-Litwin model wou ld give a better view as follows: 1. External Environment. Following the Columbia disaster, CAIB realized that a number of external factors also indirectly resulted in the catastrophe. Such included such aspects as performance pressures from the public that tended to rush the organization into action hastily. Moreover, the budgetary allocations for the agency proved to be insufficient following shifting national priorities. 2. Mission and Strategy. Furthermore, CAIB analyzed NASA’s mission, and in comparison to the strategy employed to achieve that mission, the two were found not to tally. Moreover, the employees’ perspective was not in tandem with that of the top management (James, 2007). 3. Leadership. CAIB’s report found the leadership of NASA solely to blame for the disaster. It stated that the leadership lacked open-mindedness and could have acted quickly upon realizing that the space ship was damaged. However, this was not done hence exposing the laxity of leadership at NASA (James, 2007). 4. Organizational Culture. The report found out that NASA had come to adopt a culture through which matters were casually schemed through thereby leading to loopholes that provided avenues for such disasters. The foam responsible for the disaster had

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Application of Nursing Theory to administrative practice arena Coursework

Application of Nursing Theory to administrative practice arena - Coursework Example According to Meleis (2007), self-care theory supports the establishment of contractual associations between nurses and patients. The establishment of effective communication between the nurse and the patient then promotes effective communication between the patient and the nurse. In this case, the nurse leaders can set effective communication with the nurses who then replicate the same to their patients. Notably, effective communication between the patient and the nurse is essential in the provision of high-quality patient care and patient satisfaction. McEwen and Weill (2014) views the interpersonal relations between patient and nurses as a primary element of nursing care in Orem’s theory of self-care. It is these nurse-patient interactions that are open, approving and stress on patient accountability that are associated with positive patient treatment outcomes. Additionally, Basavanthappa (2007) acknowledges that the self-care theory offers a patient-centered and individualized care that promotes confidence and encourages participation of the patients in the care design and buttresses the expectations of the patients and their discernments on quality of care, thus promoting patient satisfaction

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Modern Business in Comparative Perspective Essay - 5

Modern Business in Comparative Perspective - Essay Example The model has been formulated by Porter with due consideration of trade theories. In this regard, Porter has devised the model based on different factors that include resources, cost and infrastructure among others and accordingly, the model developed is important to have an extensive understanding of competition relating to market segment, product differentiation and technological changes. Porter also recommended that the model would explain about the procedures with the assistance of which organizations are able to perform operations effectively and competitively. In this context, Porter while formulating the model conduct an examination in ten countries such as the US, Germany, Denmark, South Korea, Britain, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, Japan and Singapore. This type of model helps in recognizing the elements of competitive advantage of the countries. Subsequently, diamond model makes a structure, which determines the rules of competition in a sector and marks the important role to be played for attaining the long-term effectiveness (Bakan & Dogan, 2012). In this regard, the essay intends to explain the concept of Porter’s diamond model and national competitive advantage as well as the key issues and problems in relation to competitive advantage of nations. Porter’s diamond model is a type of economic model, which is established by Michael Porter in the book The Competitive Advantage of Nations, where he explains the reason of competitiveness of particular businesses in specific nations. Porter analyzed and formulated the model based on two parts. Initially, the analysis has been conducted on ten important nations that include the US, Germany, Denmark, South Korea, Britain, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, Japan and Singapore in order to develop a map based on which organizations can conduct operations for their success. Second analysis is the dynamic process through which competitive advantage can be accomplished.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Self - Directed Learning Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Self - Directed Learning - Assignment Example I get along well with people and make friends quickly where ever I go. It is very good to know that there many different ways for a person to be intelligent, and I would like to honor these strengths about myself and use them to my advantage in school The ideal self-directed learner has a few qualities that I am not very good at yet. Motivating myself to get work done is sometimes hard because I have many things going on in my life. Setting priorities is very important to succeeding in school and getting my work done on time should be my priority. I already take the lead in many areas of my life and I am getting better at assessing my progress in things, although I want to be less hard on myself and not get caught up in always having to do things exactly right. Just getting the work done is an accomplishment if I do a good job. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Taking control of my own learning is made much easier when the teacher lets me know in advance what work needs to be done and when the work is due. It is actually helpful to me to have the teacher expect everyone in the class to get work done on time and not give too many breaks on due dates unless it is really needed. Teachers who give a lot of feedback on work, whether the answers are right or wrong, also help me to learn what I need to do differently or encourage about myself. On the BITES list, I have pretty good brains, I’m interested in my schoolwork and in succeeding, I have to prioritize my time better, and I have to put in a lot of effort in everything I do. The Spendables category is a little harder for me to define because I know I have to trade doing fun things in order to get my school work finished. I will definitely need to ask for help when I need it instead of thinking I can solve all problems on my own. I plan to ask for a lot of help so I can succeed in my classes and get good

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Event Risk management (Summer Olympics in Brazil) Assignment

Event Risk management (Summer Olympics in Brazil) - Assignment Example Moreover, Al-Qaeda continues its underground operations. In the meantime, it is hard to know where these groups will hit next. Brazil is one of the countries with the highest number of Christian. Majority of the local population are Catholics. Terrorist groups have been using the religion aspect to try and widen the gap between the Christians and Muslim. Olympics attract people from different parts of the world. These are people who emanates from different cultural and religious backgrounds (Liotta & Miskel, 2012). This provides a platform for the terrorist group to stage an attack in order to drive a message to the whole word. The Olympics games are attended by high-level dignitaries who come from different parts of the world. Therefore, if the terrorists are able to stage an attack in such games, they can bring the whole world into a standstill due to the number of people who are likely to be affected. As a result, the organizing committee will be faced with a major problem of ensu ring that security of all those who will attend this noble event is guaranteed. Rio de Janeiro is a city that has one of the largest populations of people living in slums. In favela, drug abuse is a common practice. These are areas that are so insecure. Olympics will bring a lot of tourists in the country. Many of these people are likely to spend their time in tourist destinations such as beaches. The residents in favela are likely to take up this opportunity to rob these tourists as majority of them believe that they will have carried with them a lot of wealth. Currently, the government is already strained having spent a lot of money to host the World cup. In addition, the security apparatus are strained by the wave of violence and robbery in different parts of Brazil. Therefore, the number that can be committed to secure the areas that are likely to be visited by the tourists is very low. Therefore, problems of robbery, murder, rape, etc are likely to

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Motivating the Employees Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Motivating the Employees - Case Study Example If Maryann is solely responsible for such behavior, then Burt can set Harriet Simon, who had always maintained the reports properly, as an example. However, Maryann failed to properly record the data, and this created grievances among the employees. Such irresponsible behavior by Maryann can considerably reduce the productivity of the employees. Burt needs to communicate to Maryann that such incident occurring due to her actions might lower the morale of the staff. In order to correct the irresponsible behavior of Maryann, it is quite imperative for Burt to act immediately – to identify the reasons for her actions and take corresponding measures to improve the behavior of Maryann and thus stimulate responsible work. Maryann must be reminded of the policies and the procedures of the company that she is supposed to abide by. The meeting can be conducted with Maryann and other employees to discuss the incidents of irresponsibility. During this meeting, the impacts of such unfavor able scenario on the organizational productivity should be addressed and certain corrective strategies developed. Burt could have prevented the dilemma by making his viewpoints apparent to Maryann at the time when he realized that the attitude of Maryann was quite unfavorable and she was incapable of accomplishing the delegated task. If Burt had corrected Maryann at the time she committed a mistake, he would have conveniently prevented the dilemma from occurring. If the evidence of poor performance had been produced before Maryann, the matter would have been resolved. When the evidence reveals the fact that there is an issue with an individual’s performance in terms of conduct, then it is necessary to refer to an organization’s disciplinary procedure. Training and coaching could have been offered to Maryann in order to improve her skills. Through adequate mentoring, Burt could have developed the knowledge  and the skills of Maryann. It is apparent from the case that Maryann was not serious enough and also did not properly focus on her job responsibilities.Â