Wednesday, August 26, 2020
A Comparison of Two World Leaders
Symbols of Modern Leadership: Lee Kuan Yew of Modern Singapore versus Adolf Hitler, a Prominent Aggressor of World War II They state history must not rehash itself particularly when it includes loss of lives, pulverization of property and disturbance in the conveyance of essential administrations to individuals including connections. In this paper, previous Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew and Fuhrer and Chancellor Adolf Hitler have been picked as viable World Leaders whose accomplishments, regardless of whether positive or negative, have been distinguished to incredibly affect numerous existences of individuals around the world.This paper isn't to condemn them whether they have become fortunate or unfortunate pioneers of the past. What is being investigated is the means by which powerful these pioneers have been in doing their objectives, procedures, and so forth and the exercises that must be educated. The procedures, available resources both used to accomplish their objecti ves may have been absolutely complete opposites or diverse dependent on their convictions, way of doing, decisions, and so forth. However, for a certain something, the two chiefs longed for amicability, harmony, solidarity and progress for their country.The distinction is the means by which they executed that fantasy. The two heads have left huge various recollections, one of which is the extraordinary holocaust started by Fuhrer Adolf Hitler and an effective monster jump of financial reclamation of Singapore from a Third World nation to turn into an Asian Tiger nation inside the three many years of Lee Kuan Yewââ¬â¢s rule. Every pioneer conveyed huge changes that have the right to be called incredible symbols throughout the entire existence of world leaders.Adolf Hitler who was the purpose behind the episode of World War II and Lee Kuan Yew who changed Singapore from a Third World nation to another Asian Tiger nation, have been picked and compared to become familiar with the sim ilitudes and differences of their characteristics and styles as pioneers just as how their rules carried effect on the world. Credited to Hitlerââ¬â¢s accomplishments were as per the following: ââ¬Å"awarded the Iron Cross, First Class in December 1914 (an uncommon improvement for grit in real life to a corporal)â⬠(Hitler,A. , 2011); ââ¬Å"annexation of Austria and Sudetenlandâ⬠(Chen, P. 2012); composed the book ââ¬ËMein Kampfââ¬â¢ (which means My Struggle) where it was an enemy of Semitic, hostile to Communist revilement illustrating his system for changing Germany and turning into a vanquishing power all through Europeâ⬠(Harkavy, 1996). ââ¬Å"By 1938 Hitler had made Germany the most impressive and dreaded nation in Europe (and maybe in the world)â⬠(Hitler, A. , 2011). ââ¬Å"Majority of the German individuals bolstered him since they saw during his initial authority amazingly how joblessness for all intents and purposes vanished, the rising flou rishing of the majority, the new social foundations and the expansion of German renown in the 1930ââ¬â¢s.All these accomplishments of Hitler were unmatched in the narratives of other present day authoritarian dictatorshipâ⬠(Hitler, A. 2011). Then again, accomplishments credited to Yew include: reclamation of Singapore from a Third World Country to turn into an Asian Tiger nation presently lined up with other rich Asian nations like Japan, Hongkong, and Taiwan. Singapore is presently a jealousy of many neighboring Asian nations. Of Lee Kuan Yewââ¬â¢s remarkable accomplishments, destruction of debasement was begrudged by numerous ASEAN countries on the grounds that ââ¬ËCorruptionââ¬â¢ has in every case since a long time ago been related with Third World Asian nations.Other accomplishments incorporate the significant ââ¬Å"increase in the expectations for everyday comforts (Loh,K. 2011)â⬠in this nation: ââ¬Å"As Prime Minister, Lee Kuan Yew managed an exponenti al increment in Singapore's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) from US$704 million of every 1960 to US$38 billion of every 1990. This figure as of now remains at US$222 billion, or more than multiple times its level in 1960. Changing for average cost for basic items contrasts, Singapore's GDP per capita was positioned 3rdâ globally by the International Monetary Fund in 2010â⬠(Loh, K, 2011).Evidently, everyone saw the distinction of how improved Singapore is today from the 1960ââ¬â¢s. Presently Singapore will consistently be compared and connected with the name of Lee Kuan Yew, the dad of Singapore. Breaking down intently, the closest likeness saw from the two heads is that the two of them grasped the style of extremist autocracy during their rules. Different similitudes noted include: both became rousing pioneers to the a large number of their particular constituents.For Hitler, his activities joined dominant part of the Germans and Austrians albeit some state this remains const ant before his request for mass executions for the Jews. It was likewise noticed that the two chiefs began their political professions by heading the Popular Party of their masses: Hitler turned into an unmistakable pioneer of National Socialist German Working Party (Nazi) while Yew additionally turned into a solid chief of Singaporeââ¬â¢s Peopleââ¬â¢s Action Party (PAP). They additionally had one dream, that is. to accomplish ââ¬Å"peace, amicability and solidarity just as progressâ⬠for their nation as well as for the entire world.Both have reclaimed their nations from financial downturn to monetary recuperation and proceeded with progress. Both have demonstrated upgrades on the lives of their kin as well as on arrangements, economy and clearly on the general advancement of their separate nations. ââ¬Å"How did Adolf Hitler who, as per Professor Jeremy Noakes, was only a stray and a bombed craftsman, gotten one of the most ruinous political pioneers in the twentieth c entury? â⬠(Noakes, 2011). Hitler struggled during his initial regular citizen life. At the point when his dad kicked the bucket, he and his mom were left with insufficient benefits and investment funds which is the motivation behind why he never progressed past his optional educationâ⬠(Hitler, A. , 2011). This might be one of the extraordinary contrasts between the two. Yewââ¬â¢s family unit was in an ideal situation than Hitlerââ¬â¢s in light of the fact that Lee Kuan Yew was capable ââ¬Å"to get training at Raffles College in Singapore and Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, England. He began as a legal advisor, established the Peopleââ¬â¢s Action Party in Singapore and turned into the Secretary Generalâ⬠(Yew, 2010).This made ready to Yewââ¬â¢s political profession. Then again, Hitler grasped the military which made ready to his ascent to control. As needs be, ââ¬Å"He welcomed the war with excitement, as an incredible alleviation from the disappointmen t and aimlessness of his non military personnel life. He discovered control and comradeship fulfilling and was affirmed in his conviction about the gallant ethics of war. He involved two situations during his rule, as Chancellor (Kanzler) and as Fuehrer of Germany covering 1933 to 1945â⬠(Hitler, A. , 2011).A particular distinction is the leaderââ¬â¢s conviction. At the early piece of his life, Hitler built up a solid segregation for the Jews. Certain occasions throughout his life have driven him to create solid enemy of Semitism or scorn for the Jews. Lee Kuan Yew grasped the lessons of Confucius. Another distinction is that Hitler alone had his intrinsic own exceptional initiative style while Lee Kuan Yewââ¬â¢s was enormously propelled by Machiavellian virtu as he refered to: ââ¬Å"Between being adored and being dreaded, I have consistently trusted Machiavelli was right.If no one fears me, Iââ¬â¢m meaninglessà (Lee Kuan Yew, 6. 10. 1997)â⬠(Gordon, n. d. ). Co ntrasting the two chiefs based on the greatness and inclusion or degree of each leaderââ¬â¢s contribution and effect, Adolf Hitler might be viewed as the best head since probably the best accomplishment among others is having the extraordinary lion's share of Germans and Austrians rally behind him until the end.This is something that history specialists couldn't discover from any antecedent who could have done or approached what Adolf Hitler did in spite of being denounced as the war attacker and an overbearing tyrant executing 6 million Jews during his rule. However notwithstanding all these, much have been said and expounded on Adolf Hitler who has all the option to be a symbol chief of the twentieth century. For this reason, Lee Kuan Yew is picked to have less effect among these two best pioneers. Lee Kuan Yewââ¬â¢s accomplishment, however just included Singaporeââ¬â¢s advancement, has additionally become a feature to the world.Finally, rehashing what Lee Kuan Yew bestow ed (not the specific words), ââ¬Å"An powerful pioneer is the person who can be dispensableâ⬠which implies on the off chance that you have left your domain or space without anyone ready to assume control over it, at that point you are not a decent pioneer. Driving is a consistent force whether you are there or someone assumes control from you. WORKS CITED Chen, Peter C. (2012) Munich Conference and the Annexation of Sudetenland: 29 Sep 1938 â⬠10 Oct 1938. World War II Database [Data File]. Recovered from http://ww2db. com/battle_spec. hp? battle_id=87 Gordon, Uri (n. d. ) . Machiavelli's Tiger: Lee Kuan Yewâ and Singapore's Authoritarian Regime. Recovered from http://www. scribd. com/doc/38148245/Lee-Kuan-Yew Adolf Hitler. (2012) History Learning Site. Recovered from http://www. historylearningsite. co. uk/adolf_hitler. htm Loh, Kai H. (May, 2011). Lee Kuan Yewââ¬â¢s Legacy. Mythical beasts and Tigers: An East Asian Perspective. Recovered from http://www. globalconver sation. organization/2011/05/15/lee-kuan-yews-heritage Noakes, Jeremy. ( 2011). The Rise of Adolf Hitler.Retrieved from http://www. bbc. co. uk/history/worldwars/wwtwo/hitler_01. shtml Hitler, Adolf (2011). In Encyclopedia Britannica. Recovered April 14, 2012, from http://www. account. com/individuals/adolf-hitler-9340144 Harkavy, Michael D. ed. (1996) Adolf Hitler. The New Illustrated Home Reference Guide ( p. 499) Trident Press International, Canada: New Websterââ¬â¢s International Encyclopedia (print). Yew, Lee K. (2010). Recognized Fellow: Lee Kuan Yew. Recovered from http://www. lkyspp. nus. edu. sg/Faculty_Lee_Kuan_Yew. aspx
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Juan Gines de Sepulveda and Bartolome de Las Casas essays
Juan Gines de Sepulveda and Bartolome de Las Casas papers At the point when Columbus found the New World, he detailed that the occupants, albeit clever, had no noteworthy weapons. Thusly, they could be effortlessly vanquished and oppressed. The Indians were should have been workers for the Spaniards as they continued looking for gold in the New World. Their concealment of the Indians was advocated to European pioneers on two grounds: (a) their work was required so as to get gold and other riches; (b) they were savage individuals who might be remunerated by being offered access to a further developed religion. This started the triumphs and the demolition of a progress. It likewise achieved the discussion of human rights and the humanized treatment of different races. Philosophical conversations happened, and these two articles are a prominent case of the thoughts and convictions that were pondered. The complexity between these two verifiable records is very obvious. To discover the likenesses, one needs to look through somewhat more profound. Bartolome de Las Casas was an evangelist/cleric and known as a protector of the mistreated. Juan Gines de Sepulveda was a noticeable and persuasive Spanish rationalist of the sixteenth century. The two men lectured their suppositions about the occupants of the New World, anyway their thoughts were as various as night and day. Their impression of the local occupants defined their contradicting sees on how the Spaniards should treat them. The most evident distinction between the two creators is that Sepulveda barely cares about the Native Americans, while Las Casas thought of the Indians as individuals with potential to do extraordinary things. They simply required a little assistance and direction from the Europeans. Sepulveda accepted that the Spanish reserved a privilege to control the new world since they were predominant. He expresses that the Spaniards were astute, gifted, empathetic, and strict. He marked the Indians with so much terms as savages, man-eaters, killers, and quitters. Sepulveda bought in to the Aristotelian progressive th... <!
Friday, August 21, 2020
Why the First Year of Smoking Cessation Is So Important
Why the First Year of Smoking Cessation Is So Important Addiction Nicotine Use After You Quit Print Why the First Year of Smoking Cessation Is So Important By Terry Martin facebook twitter Terry Martin quit smoking after 26 years and is now an advocate for those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction. Learn about our editorial policy Terry Martin Updated on April 09, 2019 wpohldesign/digital vision vectors/Getty Images More in Addiction Nicotine Use After You Quit How to Quit Smoking Nicotine Withdrawal Smoking-Related Diseases The Inside of Cigarettes Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Coping and Recovery As much as wed all like to quit smoking and be free of nicotine addiction within a few weeks, it just doesnt work that way. It is possible to change the relationship we had with cigarettes and know that well never smoke again soon after quitting, but we still have to do the work of breaking down the years of habit weve built up around nicotine addiction. The only way out is through. Most of us spent decades smoking and have developed hundreds (if not thousands) of links between tobacco and everything in our lives, from the smallest to the biggest. We sure feel it early on in cessation too, when every thought and action reminds us of smoking. We wonder if well ever truly be free of tobacco because it feels like that pull to feed the addiction will never go away. Take heart. The ties that bind us can absolutely be broken...permanently. It takes some time, but not all that much when you think about how many years most of us spent smoking. A Year of Firsts I always tell folks to devote the entire first year to healing from nicotine addiction. All of it. Does that mean youll be miserable for a whole year? No, but it does mean that it takes that long to move through the majority of activities and events in our daily lives that trigger thoughts of smoking. Some smoking triggers will let go easily and some will be tenacious, but can all be reprogrammed with time and practice. So, what are we talking about when we refer to firsts? Just about everything. There is the first long drive or plane ride without smoking. The first smoke-free vacation. The first presentation, meeting or performance without smoking. The first argument managed without a cigarette, and the first smoke-free day of yard work without smoke breaks. From daily living to seasonal events, we have to go through those firsts to get through them. The Seasons of the First Smoke-Free Year Maneuvering through year one also involves dealing with triggers that are related to specific seasons and the events (and emotions) that are tied to them. Think Thanksgiving or the annual office holiday party. Triggers can surprise us when we participate in hobbies or activities that are seasonal too, like gardening or skiing. Even doing the annual taxes can be thought of as seasonal and produce triggers to smoke. I was 8 months into cessation when I experienced a seasonal craving. It was my first smoke-free summer and while painting a room for the first time since quitting, I was surprised to find that all I could think about was lighting up every time I took a break. It was uncomfortable, in part because it had been months since Id had a craving to smoke, but also because the urge to smoke was strong. It scared me a little - I felt blindsided. Once I got through that first day of painting smoke-free though, that particular trigger was cleared and never returned. And that is how it works: we have to practice smoke-free life in order to change those ingrained associations. We cant rewire the circuitry until the trigger presents itself. Once it does and we deal with it, the trigger either melts away or weakens, depending on the strength of the particular emotion/association. Going Through it to Get Through it Once we make our way through the first calendar year of smoking cessation, 99 percent of the associations weve built up over the years will have been faced down and restructured into healthier coping mechanisms. There may be a trigger or two that still rears its head every once in a while or the very occasional trigger that comes at some point for all of us when we suffer a loss or other life-changing event. For the most part, though, a year is enough to retrain the links to tobacco we spent so much time setting in place. Well have developed the mental muscle to cope with the rare ones we havent yet experienced as well.? Not a bad deal, when you think about it. With a healthy mindset and the willingness to heal the habits that are associated with smoking, a year is about all thats needed to set a foundation that will comfortably support you for the rest of your smoke-free life. Spend some time reading the one-year smoke-free milestone accounts here. Youll quickly see that the majority of them have a common theme of gratitude for the freedom from addiction they now enjoy. While many will tell you its hard work, none of them ever say its not worth it. Keep in mind that we reach that one year mark by living our smoke-free lives just one day at a time. If you are early in your quit program and looking that far ahead is too intimidating, dont do it. Just know that healing from nicotine addiction takes time. Relax into your quit and vow to take each smoke-free day as it comes. It will serve you well.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Describe and discuss the basic principles of the evolutionary psychology perspective of personality. Apply these to mate selection Free Essay Example, 2000 words
This is because a woman has only one chance at a time to give birth to a child. According to Bagchi (2010), the nine-month epoch taken for the child to be born compels a woman to make the correct choice at first instance. This entails the selection of a man she perceives to be having the correct genes. The genes sought by women include natural intelligence and attractive physical attributes of the men. The other principle is related to the first principle. It stipulates that the introduction of pills led to a change in the manner in which women handle sex. In this respect, women started being insensitive to the aspect of pregnancy because the pills controlled pregnancy. According to Buss (2009), the pills used by the women prevent the occurrence of fertilization of the ovum. As a result, pregnancy is prevented. The pills used may also lead to death in case they are overused. This notwithstanding, women are still alive to the importance of choosing the correct life partner. The partner sought must be able to cater for the welfare of the child. We will write a custom essay sample on Describe and discuss the basic principles of the evolutionary psychology perspective of personality. Apply these to mate selection or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now The next principle is that men take the advantage of not getting pregnant to sire bastard children. This is partly because there is no cost incurred in the whole exercise. However, many men fear being blameable fathers given the standing and reverence attributed to responsible father in society. The fact that men are naturally not able to carry pregnancies makes some men irresponsible to an extent of siring children out of wedlock without recourse (Cassell, 2009). This has led to moral decadence and disregard of morals and ethical standards in society. Another principle is that men do not incur much cost in siring children. This leaves the burden of rearing children for women. This makes the women to be keen in their selection of male partners. The other principle is that men are only attracted to beautiful women. Beauty is relative given that in this case it refers to the symmetry of the facial features of the ladies. This has culminated in plastic surgery and other extreme practices for the women. These extreme practices usually have side-effects to the women who use them. This notwithstanding, women persist in using these cosmetic methods to improve on their looks. For instance, plastic surgery has long-term effects on the complexion of women. Men associate beauty wit health of a woman. This is also correlated to a womanââ¬â¢s future ability to survive pregnancy and eventually bear children. The other principle of evolution psychology is that men who are gay are usually focused on good looks.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
French Food Vocabulary La Nourriture
Whether youre traveling in Europe or just going out to a local French restaurant, food is one of the necessities of life. The French love la nourriture (literally, the food), and talking about it is one of the most common topics of French conversations. The Language of Food French food vocabulary terms are listed together with their English translations. Click on the links to bring up sound files that will allow you to hear the correct pronunciation of each word or phrase. Note that unlike in English, French food terms are generally preceded by an article such as le (the) or un (a). Where appropriate, the English translation of the term is preceded by an indication of the gender of the word, either female (f) or male (m). So, learn the terms and then Bonà appà ©tit! (Enjoy your meal!) General Terms la nourritureà foodavoir faimà to be hungrymangerà to eatdà ©jeunerà to have breakfast or lunchdà ®nerà to have dinner Meals le repasà mealle petit-dà ©jeunerà breakfastle dà ©jeunerà lunchle dà ®nerà dinnerle goà »ter snack Dishes le hors dÃ
âuvre, lentrà ©eà appetizer *la soupe, le potageà souple plat principalà à main coursela saladeà saladle dessertà dessert * In American English, entrà ©e refers to the main course, but in French, the term only indicates an appetizer. Places la cuisineà kitchen, cookingla salle à mangerà dining roomle restaurantà restaurant Miscellaneous Terms la confiture jamle croissantà croissantla farineà flourles fritesà frieslhuile dolive (f)à olive oilla mayonnaiseà mayonnaisela moutardeà mustardun Ã
âuf, des Ã
âufsà egg, eggsle painà breadle pain grillà ©Ã toastles pà ¢tesà pastale poivreà pepperle rizà ricela sauceà sauce, dressing, gravyle selà saltle sucreà sugar Fruits leà fruità fruitunà abricotà apricotunà ananasà pineappleuneà bananeà bananauneà ceriseà cherryunà citronà lemonunà citronà vertà limeuneà fraiseà strawberryuneà framboiseà raspberryuneà mà »reà blackberryuneà myrtilleà blueberryuneà orangeà orangeunà pamplemousseà grapefruituneà pastà ¨queà watermelonuneà pà ªcheà peachuneà poireà pearuneà pommeà appleuneà pruneà plumunà raisinà grape Vegetables unà là ©gumeà vegetableunà artichautà artichokelesà aspergesà (f)à asparagusuneà aubergineà eggplantlaà carotteà carrotleà cà ©lerià celeryleà champignonà mushroomleà chou-fleurà cauliflowerleà concombreà cucumberlesà à ©pinardsà (m)à spinachunà haricotà beanlaà laitueà lettuceunà oignonà onionleà maà ¯sà cornlesà petits poisà (m)à peaslaà pomme de terreà potatoleà radisà radishlaà tomateà tomato Meats la viandeà meatlagneau (m)à lambles anchois (m)à anchoviesle bifteckà steakla dindeà turkeyles escargots (m) snailsle jambonà hamle lapinà rabbitle poissonà fishle porcà porkle pouletà chickenle rosbifà roast beefle saucissonà sausagele veauà veal Dairy leà babeurreà buttermilkleà beurreà butterlaà crà ¨meà creamlaà crà ¨me fraà ®cheà very thick, slightly sour creamleà fromageà cheeseleà fromageà blancà cream cheeselaà glaceà ice creamleà laità milkleà yaourtà yogurt Desserts leà dessertà dessertleà biscuità cookielesà bonbonsà candyleà chocolatà chocolatelaà crà ¨meà brà »là ©eà custard with burnt sugar toppinglaà crà ¨meà caramelà flanleà fromageà cheeselesà fruitsà (m)à fruitleà gà ¢teauà cakelaà glaceà ice creamlaà mousse au chocolatà chocolate mousselaà tarteà pielaà vanilleà vanilla
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Spiritual Awakening - 1265 Words
The idea of salvation or having an awakening moment of oneââ¬â¢s spirit is something that is different for every individual. Flannery Oââ¬â¢Connorââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Good Country Peopleâ⬠and ââ¬Å"A Good Man is Hard to Findâ⬠demonstrates how a person can be brought to their redemption by unlikely characters. Hulga, from ââ¬Å"Good Country People,â⬠goes from being a woman who states to believe in nothing, to a woman who loses everything and is left at a place of confusion. The grandmother from ââ¬Å"A Good Man is Hard to Findâ⬠is similar to Hulga in that she also loses everything in order to find her faith. Although both Hulga and the grandmother seem to have their own strong belief systems, they each go through different experiences and eventually find their salvation in the characters they were least expecting. Hulga, the protagonist of ââ¬Å"Good Country People,â⬠is presented as an intelligent woman with a troubled, weak heart, who is also f acing many personal challenges. When Hulga was a young girl, her leg was shot off in a hunting accident, resulting in Hulga being very attached to her artificial, wooden leg. Hulga, formerly named Joy, changed her name to what her mother considered to be ââ¬Å"the ugliest name in any languageâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Good Countryâ⬠440). However, by doing so, Hulga removed any hope of her finding her own sense of joy or happiness. Hulga went to college and received a Ph. D. in Philosophy which has lead her into her nihilistic beliefs and the false concept that she knows everything. She has a veryShow MoreRelatedMeditation On The Spiritual Awakening Essay724 Words à |à 3 Pagesthe negative effects of stress, but also leads to a better sense of well-being by uniting mind and body. this fact has been proven scientifically many years ago. Meditation is helpful to get the spiritual awakening, which led to the end of all kinds of evil situations. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
16th century Renaissance Essay Example For Students
16th century Renaissance Essay Century Renaissance Art The 16th Century renaissance started in the sasss and ended in the sasss. The art of the 16th Century Renaissance was both spiritual and worldly. The 16th Century Renaissance is when two very important art movements took place, High Renaissance and Mannerism. Everyone was starting to take an interest in the classical learning and values of ancient Greece and Rome. (The History Channel Website) They were many artist geniuses who emerged out of this art era. There were also many, grand art pieces that emerged out of this art era. At the beginning of the 16th century the High Renaissance had started. This was also the time when Rome replaced Florence as an art epicenter. The High Renaissance is also when artist become aware of lines and depth in their artwork. This led to the discovery and the use of the one point perspective. The High Renaissance artists became famous for putting windows of what is behind the horizon in the background of their artworks. The High Renaissance represented artists who wanted to do art their own way. The high Renaissance started in 1480 and continued on to about 1527. The high Renaissance as in Milan, Florence, Rome, and in northern and central Italy. (Shelley Essay) This was the time to be an artist because everyone who was wealthy wanted art. Their many artist of this time frame, but the most famous artists are Michelangelo Bonaparte, Raphael Sansei and Leonardo ad Vinci. (Art Cyclopedia) After the High Renaissance ended the Mannerism movement came about. It came about in the sasss and ended around the sasss. Mannerism was known for its formulaic, theatrical and overly stylized work. Mannerism art pieces are usually pieces of human forms in unrealistic settings. Mannerism is also known for its much limitation. This is also the time that women start being used as muses for artists. (Art Cyclopedia) It developed in Florence and Rome and then spread to northern and central Europe. Paintings contained artificial color and unrealistic spatial proportions. Figures were often elongated and exaggerated, the poses were creative and complex poses. Works of the movement are often unsettling and strange because of the Reformation, the plague, and the sack of Rome. The History Channel Website) There were a lot of important artist who emerged from this period, but the most famous artist would be Leonardo Ad Vinci. Leonardo De Vinci was born in 1452, in Florence and died in 1519 in France. He was an artist and inventor. He is known as the Renaissance Man because he was an inventor, scientist, sculptor, and a great artist. Ad Vinci had many famous works. One of his most famous w orks is the Last Supper (1495-98). The last supper is a painting of the last meal Jesus shared with his apostles. It also shows Jesus isolated, four groups of threes and Judas in the shadows clutching money. The History Channel Website) Another famous piece by Ad Vinci as the Mona Lisa(1 503-05), which is a painting of a woman. This painting would be an example of Mannerism art. Ad Vinci was also famous for the The Virgin of the Rocks (1485). Some other great artists were Michelangelo Bonaparte (1475-1564), and Raphael Sansei(1483-1 520). Michelangelo was famous for painting the Sistine Chapel ((1508-12) and sculpting the David in his native Florence (1501-04). Raphael Sansei was famous for the The School of Athens (1508-11). The School of Athens shows philosophers such as Pluto coming together. Another great artist of 16th Century was Titan Meeting of Bacchus and Ordained (1 522), he was famous for using rich luminous colors. (The History Channel Website) One of the most important art pieces of the 16th Century Renaissance was the Sistine Chapel (1508-04) architecture. The Sistine Chapel took a period of four years to paint. It was painted by Michelangelo Bonaparte. The Sistine Chapel is a painting of a few scenes of Genesis, from the bible. One of the scenes was the Creation of Adam. (The History Channel Website) Michelangelo painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel for the Pope Sixths V. .u754c67596ebee0908d2dc0d4e7d11f9f , .u754c67596ebee0908d2dc0d4e7d11f9f .postImageUrl , .u754c67596ebee0908d2dc0d4e7d11f9f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u754c67596ebee0908d2dc0d4e7d11f9f , .u754c67596ebee0908d2dc0d4e7d11f9f:hover , .u754c67596ebee0908d2dc0d4e7d11f9f:visited , .u754c67596ebee0908d2dc0d4e7d11f9f:active { border:0!important; } .u754c67596ebee0908d2dc0d4e7d11f9f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u754c67596ebee0908d2dc0d4e7d11f9f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u754c67596ebee0908d2dc0d4e7d11f9f:active , .u754c67596ebee0908d2dc0d4e7d11f9f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u754c67596ebee0908d2dc0d4e7d11f9f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u754c67596ebee0908d2dc0d4e7d11f9f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u754c67596ebee0908d2dc0d4e7d11f9f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u754c67596ebee0908d2dc0d4e7d11f9f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u754c67596ebee0908d2dc0d4e7d11f9f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u754c67596ebee0908d2dc0d4e7d11f9f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u754c67596ebee0908d2dc0d4e7d11f9f .u754c67596ebee0908d2dc0d4e7d11f9f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u754c67596ebee0908d2dc0d4e7d11f9f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Medicine through time- Medieval and renaissance surgery anatomy.Also, along with ceilings of the Sistine Chapel, the side walls are festooned with frescoes of Moses and Christ and portraits of popes. (The New World Encyclopedia) Another important art piece or architecture of the 16th Century Renaissance was the SST. Peter Cathedral in Rome. The old SST. Peter Cathedral was constructed in honor of the apostle SST. Peter, the first bishop and first Pope. The original was constructed by Constantine. The SST. Peter Cathedral in Rome was to be renovated, ordered by Pope Julius II. During its renovation it was directed more towards a Latin style but, then
Monday, April 6, 2020
The Public Value of Urban Parks
Introduction Public administration refers to the execution of government policy and strategies. The concept stipulates how appointed officials ought to conduct themselves in order to enable the control and running of the state.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Public Value of Urban Parks specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More State employees manage public programs and transform politics into tangibles so that citizens can benefit from them. Public administration entails the manner in which the executive administers its decisions and conducts analysis of policies. It denotes formulation of legislation and subsequently, the implementation of the law. It also examines alternative ways of drafting policies and enacting regulations (Henrik Merete, 2012). Public servants manage, implement, and administer state policies. They ensure that the operations of the state run appropriately. This paper examines one of the policie s enacted by the state. The subject involves the recycling of electronic waste as a way of protecting the environment. The study focuses on the political, social and ethical implications of electronic waste to the public. Recycling of electronic waste as a way of protecting the environment Electronic waste also referred to as e-waste; e-scrap, electronic disposal or waste, electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) may refer to discarded electrical and electronic machines or equipments. Governments and environmental experts continuously disagree on whether to resell, reuse and refurbish electronic waste as a way of conserving the environment.Advertising Looking for essay on public administration? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Poor handling of electronic waste can result in serious health and pollution challenges. Electronic devices can be reused and repaired. Electronic waste contains harmful disease causing agents. Recyclin g of electronic waste can be dangerous to employees and communities. The state must enact safety measures to safeguard employees that work in recycling companies from exposure to harmful electronic waste materials. Political implications of recycling electronic waste The international community regulates the recycling of electronic waste. According to Coley (2007, p. 39), ââ¬Å"a global body enacted electronic recycling policies during the Basel Convention in 1989 after the Koko row. An Italian investor who operated in Nigeria created international outrage after he disposed of 8,000 leaky barrels in the Nigerian region of Kokoâ⬠. The Basel Conventionââ¬â¢s main goal is to stop wealthy states from dumping e -waste in poor nationsââ¬â¢ territories (Department of Parks and Recreation, 2011). Electronic waste may have a number of merits. It may contain precious materials like gold and silver. Many rich nationsââ¬â¢ toxic electronic waste always ends up in third world stat es. The leadership of first world countries ought to uphold the Basel Convention in order to protect poor states from the effects and dangers of electronic debris. The government must formulate investigative bodies and monitoring systems to prevent corrupt public servants from allowing the exportation of electronic waste to third world countries.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Public Value of Urban Parks specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Social implications of recycling electronic waste Electronic waste affects peopleââ¬â¢s health and causes cancer. It also affects the environment, economy and social life of people. Negative environmental impacts of e- waste include air pollution especially the burning of trash. E-waste may include non biodegradable, toxic and radioactive materials that may be harmful to the soil and animals and which may cause blockage of water channels like rivers, pipes and the drainag e system. Electronic waste leads to increased public spending on medical care because of poor health. It also leads to investment on complex and expensive environmental conservation technologies. It affects the ozone layer leading to unpredictable weather patterns like prolonged drought. Lack of water may lead to a shortage of food in any country. This aspect may prompt the government to use additional resources to acquire food for its citizens. The additional resources may be helpful to other sectors of growth and development of any given country. Ethical implications of recycling electronic waste The government ought to guide the public on electronic waste management. It can educate and sensitize its citizens through media programs or curriculum content in schools. All government departments need to focus on the implementation of environmental management policies. This perspective may help in addressing challenges posed by e-waste exports to third world countries (Coley, 2007). In dustries need to use environmental friendly equipments that can be reutilized at the end of their intended purpose or easily broken down after use.Advertising Looking for essay on public administration? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The government must set up a special department that ensures that waste management authorities address ethical concerns (Chris, 2011). Waste management companies must adhere to recommended modes of transportation of electronic waste. Waste management companies must package electronic waste in carbon neutral wrappers according to state regulations and policies. Electronic waste management companies must uphold moral standards embedded in international laws on the reuse and repair of e-waste. They should protect private data and information in the equipments. The exporters need to be cautioned against using children to offload electronic waste from cargo chambers. Governments in third world countries need to be informed that the Child Act prohibits against use of child labor. Electronic waste may also harm children by causing diseases like lung cancer. The International Labor Organization does not allow the use of child labor. States must be encouraged to develop curricula, and progra ms that encourage ââ¬Å"green chemistryâ⬠in order to promote the invention and use of molecules, equipments and compounds that may not be harmful to life and environment. Electronics industries can be advised to recall their manufactured commodities at the end of their life cycle and process them in respect to the law. The government must enforce audit programs and evaluation structures that verify that electronics are manufactured, reused, repaired, recycled and processed in respect to policies and stipulated regulations. Governments ought to make and implement policies and regulations that conform to moral and international standards. Manufacturers, handlers, transporters and recyclers of electronic waste must adhere to environmental laws. Challenges and effects of electronic waste need to be shared among families, colleagues, friends, employers, public servants and leaders in order to create environmental awareness (Campbell, 2008). Conclusion Public administration entitie s must be managed efficiently in accordance to the law in order to ensure implementation of environmental policies and regulations. The government must integrate waste management as a learning unit in the curriculum, in elementary schools. International environmental conventions must enhance the incorporation of environmental conservation in the curriculum, in all tertiary institutions. All organizations must comply with environmental conservation measures. A special department should be set up to certify companies that conform to electronic waste management strategies. First world governments must create laws that forbid companies, individuals and businesses from exporting, importing and dumping of electronic waste. Governments may also create a special police department that comprises of professional environmentalists. The motive may help in arresting individuals and companies who do not comply with electronic waste management policies. The department may also start legal proceedi ngs against defaulters of environmental regulations. References Campbell, C. (2008). Globalization, Extended Producer Responsibility and the Problem of Discarded Computers in China. An Exploratory Proposal for Environmental Protection, 14(6), 525- 531. Chris, W. (2011). The Public Value of Urban Parks and Understanding Park and Usership. New York City, NY: The Wallace Foundation. Coley, S. (2007). Where does Community Grow? The Social Context created by Nature in Urban Public Housing. Environment and Behaviour, 29 (4), 468 ââ¬â494. Department of Parks and Recreation. (2011). Park Design Guidelines. California, CA: Institute of Public Affairs. Henrik, J., Merete, K. (2012). Case studies on Waste Minimisation Practices in Europe. Web. This essay on The Public Value of Urban Parks was written and submitted by user Janelle Olson to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Webinars in Education
Webinars in Education A webinar is a synchronous distance education, synchronized with live instructors. Instant messaging applications like AIM, Skype, Pidgin, BigBlueButton and web conferencing are very useful in conducting webinars. The tutor, while factoring in the knowledge level of the trainees/participants, spearheads the session. This form of learning allows learners and their tutor(s) to interact in a similar way as in an actual classroom.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Webinars in Education specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Students or trainees ask questions and prompt feedback is given to them in an interactive style (Hrastinski, 2008). Students are able to make prompt clarifications that would only be made in an actual classroom set up. Therefore, the webinars are an imitation of a real classroom and they allow trainees and their moderators to interact and share information. Thematic change in synchronous learning is sudden an d usually not anticipated by trainees/students. Webinars are speedy because so much is to be achieved within a short period of time. As a result, there is usually interference as students continue to give input to old themes while a moderator is already establishing new themes (Synchronous Course Delivery, 2012). The time taken to internalize ideas and type any comment is long to the extent that moderators will have proceeded to subsequent themes. The occurrence of multiple time zones is challenging because the participants cannot participate and engage in thoughtful discussions and assignment in the same way. When it is night-time, some participants may be very exhausted and will not have the enthusiasm required to actively participate in the seminar sessions. Alternatively, the session may conflict with the busy schedules for some trainees (Synchronous Course Delivery, 2012). References Hrastinski, S. (2008). A study of asynchronous and synchronous e-learning methods discovered th at each supports different purposes. EDUCAUSE QUARTERLY, 4, 51-55.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Macaulay, L., Dyer, L. (2011, November 14). Interactive web conferencing brings big benefits to the online classroom. Faculty Focus. Web. Relearning Learning- Applying the Long Tail to Learning [MITVIDEO]. Web. Synchronous Course Delivery. (2012). Elearning Faculty Modules. Web.
Friday, February 21, 2020
Accounting systems and structure of China Essay
Accounting systems and structure of China - Essay Example This is revealed through detailed comparison of the historical phenomena that occurred in Chinese accounting system over the years. Critical assessment of the effects of culture on development and transformation of Chinese accounting is discussed with a look at significant changes within institutionââ¬â¢s value system that supported accounting structures (Luft, 2007). The development of Chinese accounting system adopted a new dimension in 1949 after the establishment of Peopleââ¬â¢s Republic of China by Chinese Communist Party (Zhang, 2005). This marked the new phase of Chinese accounting where most of the financial models were adopted from the Soviet Union (Shalin, 1999). The development of the accounting system in China is divided into two distinct periods based on different legislative contents (Gà ¼vemli, 2001). The Chinese economic system before 1979 was planned on socialist platform, where the Central Government and the Party were the chief controllers of the economic system. After the 1979, the open door policy as well as the economic reform led towards the evolution of Chinaââ¬â¢s economic and legal system. The National Peopleââ¬â¢s Congress (NPC) issued several laws including the PRC Accounting Law which marked the beginning of the development of Chinese accounting system. The reforms within the accounting system turned the Chi nese accounting system into a capital market that was based on financial reporting system. This served the market-oriented economy in the year 1992 bringing the Chinese accounting system towards standardization as well as internationalization (Ashbaugh and Pincus, 2001). The first phase of accounting law was issued in 1985 by National Peopleââ¬â¢s Congress and later revised in 1993 and 1999. However, the Chinese government has used PRC Accounting Law as the basic law in China safeguarding accounting structures and system. The revised laws in 1999
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
The Effects of the Death of a Parent on Normal Child Development Research Paper
The Effects of the Death of a Parent on Normal Child Development - Research Paper Example The first major difference is of quality and organization of the information being used. The professionally reviewed article has used the appropriate terminology and information boundaries like population being analyzed are clearly defined which makes the scope and depth of article crystal clear. The abstract explicitly defines the issue, stakeholders and various aspects to be discussed in the article. The author has correlated the information with his personal experiences of abandonment in early age. The effects like depression, addiction, hopelessness, homelessness, split loyalty and uselessness among children, adolescents and adults are discussed with the help of specific examples and case studies. Expert opinions and professional theories are constantly referred in the article to draw intellectually sound inferences. The magazine article on the topic is rather general and instead of a professional review it takes the shape of authorââ¬â¢s opinion on abandonment and parental lo se. Article boundaries are vague and the information is not backed by expert opinions and professional theories. The effects of parental loss and remedies are not discussed at length rather a suggestive approach is adopted to provide solution.
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Characteristics of female offending and victimisation
Characteristics of female offending and victimisation Previous to the feminist movement of the nineteen sixties and seventies criminology was predominantly the domain of men as was the Criminal Justice System (CJS), (Newburn 2007). Therefore it is no surprise that women were mostly over looked within these fields. Moreover the few earlier explanations of female criminality have now largely been discredited due to their oversimplified, biological and sexually natured explanations (Lombrosso 1895, Thomas 1923 and Pollak 1950). Nevertheless it is due to these arguably sexist, and male dominated perspectives, and also an otherwise lack of interest in female criminality that inspired many modern and feminist writings; these writings bought about a shift in attitudes towards women and their place within these traditionally male professions. Consequently the reliability of police statistics has been challenged and new ways of gathering data has been developed, such as self report studies and victim surveys; all of which have brought about new debates and theories and has contributed to our understanding of women and crime. This essay will give a brief overview of the characteristics of both female offending and victimization and then discuss the contribution that criminology has made to our understanding of them. As a result of the aforementioned collective research there is a general agreement within criminology that women commit considerably less crime than men (although according to police statistics female crime rates are rising) (Newborn 2007). Women are less likely to commit certain crimes, such as sexual offences, and they are less likely to re-offend (Newborn 2007 and National Statistics Online 2006). The majority of offences that women commit involve theft and handling stolen goods, violence against the person and drug offences (National Statistics Online 2006 and Caddle and Crisp 1997). Criminology has contributed to our understanding of the characteristics of female offending in many ways. Firstly, since the feminist movement, Criminology has focused attention onto female offending and has helped to deconstruct the traditional sexist stereotypes of the female offender previously portrayed by traditional criminologists (Lombrosso, 1895, cited in Newburn, 2007). Modern Criminology has further developed existing theories in order to make them applicable to women such as control theory and has highlighted how womens experience of society is different to that of men; suggesting that womens place in society, i.e. their job, social background and being a mother can all effect their inhibitions towards crime and their opportunities to offend (Heidensohn 1996 and Carlen 1988). Thus, Criminology has helped us to understand how a womens individual circumstances can impact on whether she will offend and what types of offences she is likely to commit. Criminology has also highlighted the impact that prior victimization and the breakdown of social bonds has on female offending; in her research into how women become involved in illicit drugs, Cheseney-lind (1997) found that all of the women in her study came from unstable social environments, i.e. deprivation, parental alcohol abuse, sexual abuse and violence. Other studies have highlighted institutional sexism; Carlens 1998 study in which she interviewed fifteen Scottish sheriffs about their feelings towards prosecuting women offenders, found that they all disliked having to send women to prison. Carlen suggests that they resolve this uneasiness by discriminating between who they perceived to be good and bad mothers and disregard the impact of socio-economic factors on their behavior (cited in Heidensohn 1996). The sheriffs attitudes in Carlens study highlights a long running debate within Criminology, which is, are women treated more chivalrously or more harshly than men by the CJ S? (Newburn 2007) It could be argued that the uneasiness of the sheriffs to prosecute women points to a chivalrous attitude but the fact that they separate the women into good and bad mothers suggests that the women are being doubly judged, as both women and mothers. Therefore Criminology has given us greater understanding of how female offending is affected by a lack of family support and social bonds and arguably how women are affected by the double standards present within the CJS. By challenging police recorded statistics Criminology has highlighted other debates, such as why do female offending rates appear to be rising and to what extent do women commit less crime than men? (Newburn 2007). In regard to rising female crime rates there are several perspectives; some argue that it is because womens roles are changing in society which gives them greater opportunity to offend (Adler, cited in Newburn 2007); some claim that it is due to economic marginalisation and women offend because of deprivation (Carlen 1998) and others suggest it is due to changes in the labelling of crimes which make for stricter sentencing (Heidensohn 1996). Criminology has incited many debates which have helped to develop a better understanding of the characteristics of female offending. As a result of criminological research, such as the British Crime Survey (BCS), we understand that overall women are at less risk of criminal victimisation than men. The only crimes that women are at a higher risk from is domestic violence and stalking/harassment (although it could be argued that the latter is due to men being less easily intimidated and less likely to report those types of crimes). We also know that the vast amount of the domestic violence suffered by women goes unreported. Finally, although we know that women are at less risk of crime overall, the BCS tells us that they have a greater fear of crime than men, and this impacts negatively on their daily lives (Newburn 2007). Criminology has contributed to our understanding of the characteristics of female victimisation in many ways. Firstly, By challenging police statistics it has highlighted the dark figure of crime, showing the vast amount of crimes that go either unknown, unreported, or unrecorded; therefore highlighting the vast amount of domestic violence, sexual assault and rape crimes women suffer, mainly at the hands of their husbands, partners or other family members (Heidensohn 1996). The issue of domestic violence is shockingly illustrated in a study carried out by Painter and Farrington (1998), in which one in seven wives reported being raped by their husbands (cited in Rafter, 2003). Traditionally crimes of domestic violence were trivialized by the police because of a general acceptance of violence against women by their partners (Newburn 2007). Criminology has also highlighted the issue of repeat victimization in regards to women; due to the nature of the offence repeat victimization rates are high in cases of domestic violence but research also shows that women who were abused in childhood are at a higher risk of being victimized in adulthood (Rafter 2003). Therefore, because of Criminology we understand that many more women suffer domestic violence than the police statistics suggest and also women who were abused as children are at a higher risk of getting involved in an abusive relationship in adulthood. Womens fear of victimization is a debated issue within Criminology, some explain that it is because women are the smaller sex and so are more easily intimidated and others suggest it is related to a fear of rape caused by socialization and moral panic, suggesting that it is irrational (Rafter 2003). Criminology has highlighted womens experience of crime and the CJS and societys attitudes towards female victimization (Newburn 2007). Criminology has found that women are often accused of precipitating or facilitating crimes against them, such as rape and assault; according to lifestyle theories, how women dress, whether they go out alone and where they go, all participates to their victimization (Rafter 2003). This theory is contradicted by victim survey data which suggests that women are at more risk of domestic violence than stranger violence (Newburn 2007). In regards to womens treatment within the CJS, criminology has highlighted the unfair and un-sympathetic treatment women arguably receive in regards to being victim of such crimes as rape and domestic violence, suggesting that women were often subject to secondary victimisation because of unsympathetic treatment given by the CJS (Rafter 2003). Consequently Criminology has helped to improve attitudes and treatment within the CJS by helping to establish the use of rape suites and aftercare services (Newburn 2007). In conclusion we have a greater understanding of why women fear crime and how society and the CJS have blamed them in some part for their own victimization. In conclusion, Criminology has been crucial in contributing to our understanding of the characteristics of female offending and victimization. By carrying out studies and surveys, gathering statistics and developing and debating theories Criminology has developed a greater understanding of why and what causes women to commit crime; why they commit less crime in comparison to men, and why they are more likely to commit certain types of crimes over others. Criminology has highlighted the vast amount of female victimization that goes unreported and has helped to counteract this by improving womens treatment within the CJS and by helping to change attitudes and policies. Overall, Criminology has given us a greater understanding of female offending and victimization and has been fundamental to our understanding of women and crime. Chesney-Lind, M. (1997) The Female Offender, Girls, Women and Crime, London: Sage publications Inc. Carlen, P.(1988) Women, Crime and Poverty Milton Keynes: Open University Press Educational Enterprises Ltd. Heidensohn, F. (1996) Women and Crime. (2nd Ed.) Hampshire: Macmillan Press Ltd. Newburn, T. (2007) Criminology. U.S.A. and Canada: Willan Publishing. Rafter, N. H. (2003) Encyclopedia of Women and Crime. Newyork: Checkmark Books.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Social Affects on Neurobehavior Essay -- Biology Essays Research Paper
Social Affects on Neurobehavior "The brain does not exist in isolation but rather is a fundamental, interacting component of a developing, aging individual who is a single actor in the larger theater of life. This theater is undeniably social. . ." (1) For the past few weeks our class discussions have largely hinged on brain and neuron function and how this relates to behavior. Some students in the class have expressed a difficulty with the concept that brain equals behavior because they feel like this limits their individuality and choice if they are only a combination of inputs and outputs. As a student of the social sciences I question this thinking because behavior is not just limited by brain function but also by social constraints. People's actions are limited by values, norms and mores found in their respective environment. In my web research, and with help from Dr. Grobstein, I found a few sites dedicated to what is called 'Social Neuroscience' and some studies that have been done to show that in animals and humans social influences can have a direct effect on biological function from the release of certain chemicals to actual changes in receptors. The first site is run by Ohio State and tells the history of social neuroscience and looks at social factors and the immune system. The second is run by a professor in the United Kingdom looking at diet and criminality and the last is from Georgia State and looks at social status and defense mechanisms in crayfish. William James an American psychologist of the 19th century was one of the first people to state that there is a connection between neurophysiological processes and psychological phenomena (1). In 1992 John Cacioppo and Gary Bernstein determined that t... ... responsiveness even when the crayfish becomes the subordinate. So a change in the social status of the crayfish causes changes in the receptors for seratonin in the nervous system of the crayfish. This is a striking example of the social environment causing direct changes in the nervous system. As more and more research in this area develops, I am sure we will see an even stronger connection between social environment and the development and functioning of the nervous system and maybe gain more insight into why people behave the way they do. WWW Sources 1)Ohio State Social Neuroscience Laboratory 2)Crime and Nourishment 3)Research: The Neural Bases of Behavior, (very interesting picture of the LG neuron)
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Bridgeton Industries Essay
1. Describe the competitive environment for Bridgeton as well as the cost accounting system currently in use. When foreign competition and scarce, expensive gasoline began to play an important role in the market, Bridgeton began to lose domestic market share. The ACF Bridgeton plant faced new challenges in their production that led them to serious cutbacks like the closing of the ACF plant for manufacture of fuel-efficient diesel engines. By 1987, they classified their products in terms of ââ¬Å"world classâ⬠competitive position and potential. With four criteria (quality, customer service, technical capability and competitive cost position) they classified their products in Class I (remain), II (observe) and III (outsource). The classification allowed Bridgeton to take decisions on how to better manage their products performance compared to their competitors. The cost accounting system was product costing, a mixed between job costing and process costing. 2. Explain why manifolds moved from Class II to Class III after oil pans and muffler-exhaust systems had been outsourced from the AC F. Despite improvements in the production process manifolds were downgraded from Class II to III. The results were not sufficient, even though they increased the uptime from an average of 30% to 65% they were behind their Japanese competitors that reached a ââ¬Å"world classâ⬠goal of 80% uptime. In addition, as seen in Exhibit 2, the direct material costs for manifolds (based on stainless steel) is extremely high as a percentage of sales (around 40%) compared to the other products manufactured at ACF and at a better Class level. However, there was a doubt on this move due to the possibility of new market requirements for lighter weight (more efficient manifolds). This represented a good opportunity for ACF because as they manufactured manifolds with stainless steel, demand could increase and therefore selling price too.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Explain The Etiological Models Of Schizophrenia Essay
Explain the etiological models of Schizophrenia. â⬠¢ Genetic o Schizophrenia runs in families - higher rates in 1st degree relatives, especially if both parents schizophrenic, but those who suffer from schizophrenia are unlikely to reproduce o Heritability determined by concordance rates in twins, about 28% in monozygotic twins but only 6% dizygotic twins o Adoption studies confirm likely genetic component and show higher rates of schizophrenia in biological families o These family studies show that although there is a genetic component, other factors influence schizophrenia as well o Chromosomal/gene mapping has not been able to identify a specific gene or chromosome for schizophrenia o May be linked to chromosome 6 â⬠¢ Physiological o Eye movement dysfunction ï⠧ Eye tracking dysfunction frequently seen in schizophrenic patients ï⠧ Poor smooth-pursuit eye tracking most common dysfunction, (instead of smoothly following the track of moving objects, schizophrenics exhibit jerky eye movements) ï⠧ Represents genetic marker of vulnerability to schizophrenia o Inhibition of event related potentials ï⠧ P50 phenomenon related to responses to auditory stimuli seen in many schizophrenics and their blood relatives ï⠧ Inability to inhibit certain responses may be source of various schizophrenic symptoms (distractibility, confusion, hallucinations) ï⠧ High P50 abnormality patients have larger deficits in attention and score more severely on assessment of negative symptoms ï⠧ May be linked toShow MoreRelatedMental Illnesses Explored : Schizophrenia1450 Words à |à 6 PagesMental Illnesses Explored: Schizophrenia Schizophrenia has been associated with the dysregulation of many neurotransmitter systems. 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